We will provide the very latest, up-to-date guidance on eligibility and ID-verification. Our role as your Umbrella Body DBS checking carries an administrative burden. Mindful of your business needs, we will take you through the whole process and offer a bespoke package that will save you time...
The whole checking process hinges on making sure of the identity of the person being checked. On order to prove that you are who you say you are, you’ll be asked to provide a range of identity and address documents. There is an extensive list of what is accepted as ID. In general ...
Our role in checking employers who use existing DBS checks When an organisation, such as a nursery, accepts existing DBS checks, inspectors will not automatically lower the judgement given at inspection. However, inspectors must ensure that the employer complies with the DBS guidance on portability...
Guidance Research (Alpharetta, GA) July 2001 - November 2001 Provided the programming, validation, analysis and aggregation for Direct Marketing models including Customer Segmentation Analysis, Cross Sell Modeling, and Loyalty/Retention Modeling. In addition to complex Data Step processing several SAS proc...