The offer of free COVID-19 Hospital Cash Plan insurance coverage for all DBS customers is part of the Bank’s overall community relief and support efforts during this difficult time. 1 –Excludes Mainland China. For all the terms, conditions and excl...
Starting from 8 Oct 2023 , the limit per transfer (HKD or CNY) for eDDA Transfer In for the following three supporting banks will be lowered: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Hang Seng Bank. Limit per transfer of linked accounts with these banks...
usedbytheBank,whetherinHongKongorelsewhere,andmay includeAffiliates; “Agreement”meanstheAccountOpeningDocumentation, theseTermsandConditionsandallotheragreementsor documentssignedand/oracceptedbytheCustomerorspecified bytheBankfromtimetotime,whichtogetherconstitutethe ...