No plan cache hit when sql-mode = "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER" Bug Report Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. Minimal reproduce step (Required) We found there is no plan cache… 1 comment ...
but it now used in several other projects. Since GDL is intended to be general and aligned with the property graph model, we forked the project and extended the language with temporal aspects.
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.gentity</groupId> <artifactId>gentity-lib</artifactId> <version>0.17</version><!--must match the gentity plugin version--></dependency> Note that you'll also need your ORM's libraries (EclipseLink, Hibernate, etc.), or at least the JPA API: ...
overlayer_group.add(this.hand_sprite);; this.hand_sprite.visible = true; this.hand_sprite.scale.setTo(1, 1); this.hand_sprite.send_to_front = true; this.hand_sprite.base_collision_layer =; this.hand_...
Image: Wikimedia This concludes the product strategy in DBS Bank marketing mix & strategy. DBS Bank Price/Pricing Strategy: Below is the pricing strategy in DBS Bank marketing mix strategy: DBS Bank has its pricing strategy after aligning itself with competition. Personal banking with savings and...
<groupId>org.apache.iotdb</groupId> <version>0.11.4-SNAPSHOT</version> <relativePath>../pom.xml</relativePath> </parent> <groupId>org.apache.iotdb</groupId> <artifactId>client-cpp</artifactId> <name>Client for cpp</name> <description>C++ client</description> <packaging>pom<...
不支持<=>、GROUP BY、ORDER BY、(not) ANY、(not) ALL、(not)IN查询条件中的加密字段。 不支持SQL函数中的加密字段。 不支持主键和外键的加密。 不支持触发器中的加密字段。 不支持存储过程中的加密字段。 暂不支持包含''字符的明文的加密。(正在开发中) 不支持大于4K字节(4096字节) 长度明文的加密。 暂...
My TechNet Wiki Articles MVP Friday, July 1, 2016 12:43 PM ✅Answered |1 vote Hello Enric, Logically its not possible to change the recovery model to bulk. because as per Microsoft documentation below: The Always On Availability Groups feature is a high-availability and disaster-recovery s...
Wikimedia Commons.js Relicence some translators under AGPL Dec 7, 2015 Wikipedia Citation Templates.js Update Jun 3, 2015 Wikipedia.js [Wikipedia] Get correct date for specific revision. Wrong abstract :( Feb 16, 2015 Wikisource.js small Wikisource fixes Aug 6, 2015 ...
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