阿斯顿马丁 DBS by Q,采用与样本相匹配的布鲁斯特绿、牛津棕和森林绿内饰,以及青铜制动卡钳、亮光抛光 "OHMSS "排气口、B&O 1000w BeoSound 系统、缎面银饰套件和对比色焊缝及对比色缝线。..#阿斯顿马丁dbs##老纪侃车##豪车超跑# Car时尚超话 û收藏 4 评论 ñ12 评论 o p 同...
No, we reckon it might be down to the noise. This engine makes a fine soundtrack, but compared to something like aLamborghiniV12, there’s no contest. Thankfully, as Freddy ‘Tavarish’ Hernandez proves in his latest video, this is something that can be solved with some aftermarket pipew...