2月26日,加拿大权威信用评级公司DBRS发布最新评级结果,确认将葡萄牙评为BBB(高),展望趋势评级为“稳定”。 DBRS DBRS全称 Dominion Bond Rating Service,是全球第四大信用评级机构,成立于1976年,2019年由晨星 (Morning Star)以6.69亿美元的价格收购。 今年葡萄牙经济将复苏 对于未来葡萄牙经济的走势,DBRS认为,...
VALLETTA, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- The credit rating agency DBRS has affirmed Malta's long-term rating at A, and it's medium-term rating at R-1 (middle), with a stable outlook. The agency said Malta's economic performance had been better than the European average, with its fiscal surplus...
Morningstar DBRS Takes Credit Rating Actions on Three Bridgecrest Lending Auto Securitization Trust Transactions Auto DBRS, Inc. (Morningstar DBRS) upgraded three credit ratings and confirmed thirteen credit ratings from three Bridgecrest Lending Auto Securitization Trust trans... ...
DBRS Limited (Morningstar DBRS) placed Veren Inc.'s (Veren or the Company) Issuer Rating and Senior Unsecured Notes (Senior Notes) credit rating of BBB (low) Un... Press ReleaseMarch 11, 2025 Morningstar DBRS Places Whitecap Resources Inc.'s Credit Ratings Under Review With Positive Implic...
DBRS, the fourth player in the covered bond rating market, has been keen to emphasise transparency and predictability of ratings movements as its distinctive features. Catherine Gerst, its managing director, structured finance, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), feels DBRS will be adding ...
Rating Service Limited JUNE2002 WALTERSCHROEDER,CFA DBRSMethodology inRatingUtilities ElectricalandGasCompanies CONCLUSION Althoughtherearequantitativeratiosthatcanbeusedto measureperformanceofelectricutilities,therearemany othermeaningfulnon-quantitativeconsiderationsthatcan ...
Rating Outlook 1,2 Moody's Aa3 P-1 Negative Standard & Poor's A+ A-1 Negative DBRS AA R-1(high) Stable Fitch Ratings AA- F1+ Stable Notes 1. On June 11, 2014, Moody's affirmed the long-term ratings of CIBC and changed the outlook to negative from stable on the supported ...
Rating Outlook 1,2,3 Moody's Aa3 P-1 Negative Standard & Poor's A+ A-1 Negative DBRS AA R-1(high) Negative Fitch Ratings AA- F1+ Stable Notes 1. On June 11, 2014, Moody's affirmed the long-term ratings of CIBC and changed the outlook to negative from stable on the supported ...
翻译 DBRS 释义 [医]deriatric behavior rating scale 老年行为等级量表[包括体力、自理能力和社会行为]