索尼发函要求 Dbrand 停售纯黑版本 PS5,因其侵害商标权 10 月 16 日消息,索尼 PS5游戏主机发布之后,多家海外公司对其外观改造,推出了定制版本的产品。此前有家公司曾推出 PS2 复古风格的改造方案,但是在不久之后,该公司宣布暂停产品的发售。 根据外媒 The Verge 报道,索尼近期发函给另一家厂商 Dbrand,要求其停...
TagsPS5 DualSense Mount for Pixel 7 Pro Dbrand Grip R... Download:free Website:Printables add to list order this print TagsSD Vault (Steam Deck SD card expansion for dbrand... Download:free Website:Printables add to list order this print ...
The flood gates are beginning to open around the Steam Deck with a few big YouTube channels doing a hands-on preview now live. Plus, dbrand poke fun at Nintendo with their upcoming Steam Deck accessory kit. Starting briefly with dbrand. They're calling itProject Killswitch, and...