dbrand sells the most premium, best Steam Deck cases on the planet. An impact-resistant Steam Deck case with grippy handles and a precise fit. Get yours today.
Steam Deck专用 Dbrand‘Project Killswitch’ 保护壳套装开箱 3.3万 5 04:21 App 最强游戏掌机!1TB SteamDeck OLED和及Dbrand killswitch保护壳开箱 5.7万 146 05:16 App 入手Steam Deck两年,我买了哪些配件? 1697 0 06:00 App steam deck Dbrand PROJECT KILLSWITCH 硅胶保护壳使用教程 1.0万 5 10:07...
目前Steam Deck最好的保护壳Dbrand Project KillSwitch 抢先上手体验 1493 -- 6:00 App steam deck Dbrand PROJECT KILLSWITCH 硅胶保护壳使用教程 1万 2 4:26 App 'Jsaux' Steam Deck专用保护壳开箱上手试用 1.6万 2 3:40 App 绝配!我心中第一名的SteamDeck保护壳 2306 1 3:48 App 【Steam Deck】...
After waiting quite some time, Project Killswitch from dbrand for the Steam Deck is finally coming but there's been a few changes and it seems not everyone is happy with it. This is the special case and solid protection for the Steam Deck that dbrand has been teasing for months now, ...
The “SwitchDeck” is on sale now right here. If you’re still waiting for Dbrand’sProject Killswitch, the Steam Deck case that will no longer feature magnetsbecause of yours truly, it shouldn’t be much longer; buyers are already starting to receive their newbayonet-style replacements. ...
02月04日漏签0天 steamdeck吧 关注:136,354贴子:1,073,928 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 35回复贴,共1页 <返回steamdeck吧入手dbrand保护壳 只看楼主收藏回复 玩物丧志已经的die 远近闻名 10 除了比较贵,其他都还好!壳子一装上确实比较逼格,买了这么多壳子,这个应该是最后一个了 送TA礼物 来自Andr...
这套外壳能把你的Steam Deck变成NS Pro DBrand在自家官网上直截了当地宣称这款SwitchDeck外壳是“无耻的剽窃”,就是“照搬NS设计”。更过分的是,主机背面还有一个打码的NS logo。 DBrand还在官网上发布了一张手柄与机身分离的图片,不过好像是硬拆的……...
available now. take a look project killswitch the ultimate case for the steam deck, rog ally, and rog ally x. get yours x-ray medical debt not included. buy one, get both hydrodip now available portfolio-wide. have a nice trip. case hardened digital weapon skins, but in real life. ...
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