DBMS Functional Dependency MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on functional dependency in DBMS. Submitted byAnushree Goswami, on March 31, 2022 1. Two attributes can be functionally ___ on/of each other. Dependent ...
In this section,Multi Choice Questions (Aptitude Questions and Answers) on DBMS Functional Dependencieswith explanations. List of DBMS Functional Dependencies Aptitude Questions and Answers 2)Functional Dependencyrepresents by symbol? ← → ↑ ↓
A functional dependency is a relationship between two attributes in a DBMS system. This relationship is observed between a primary key and non-primary key of a table. For example, if there is a table having aStudent ID, Student Name and Address, the Student IDis the primary key. This key ...
DBMS Interview Questions for Beginners 1) What is normalization in DBMS? 2) What is DBMS? 3) Enlist various types of interactions created by DBMS ? 4) What are the features of Database language? 5) What are different relationships existing in database? 6) State some commands of DDL in ...
One of the best ways to master all the concepts from the Database Management section under the Computer Science subject is to practise hard these DBMS GATE Questions. Candidates can also explore further topics such as functional dependency, schema, clustering, data cleaning and so on. Our attempt...
Here are some frequently asked questions related to the normalization in DBMS. Q. Why do we need Normalization in DBMS? Database Normalization helps you design and structure your table properly so that you have proper relationships between tables. It helps you with the following: ...
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) Q1. What is the difference between lossy and lossless decomposition in DBMS? Ans:Lossless decomposition ensures that all the information from the original table is preserved after the decomposition, while lossy decomposition may result in the loss of some information du...
To apply first normal form to a database, we look at each table, one by one, and ask ourselves the following questions of it: Does the combination of all columns make a unique row every single time? What field can be used to uniquely identify the row?
Some Frequently Asked Questions related to “BCNF in DBMS” are given below. 1. What is BCNF in DBMS? BCNF stands for Boyce-Codd Normal Form, which is a higher level of database normalization. It ensures that each determinant of a relation is a candidate key, which means that all non-...
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on DBMS Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the DBMS subject, covering 100+ topics. This will help you to prepare for exams, contests, online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, interviews, and certifications. You can practice these MCQs chapter by chapter sta...