BD系列无刷驱动器(DBLs-08-H无刷驱动器)是由深圳市他克科技有限公司研发的新一代无刷驱动器,它主要用于满足用户对更高精度、更高效率、更高可靠性的驱动器的需求,其具有以下几个角度的优势: 一、高精度 BD系列无刷驱动器采用新一代技术,采用高精度伺服控制算法,精度可达到0.001mm,确保精密控制和高精度定位,为用...
DBLS-08-H产品详情Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and high...
DBLS-08-H产品详情Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and high...
1000W通用无刷电机驱动器是鼎拓科技为配合现代化工业自动控制领域而自主研发的大功率驱动器,主要采用国际最新电机专用数字处理器DSP 为核心配以高速度数字逻辑芯片高品质功率模块,组成具有集成度高、体积小、保护完善、接线简洁明了、可靠性高等一系列优点。该驱动器可提供:操作面板速度设定,外部模拟电压调速、外部电位器...
DBLS-08-H产品详情Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and high...
DBLS-08-H 产品详情 Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and ...
DBLS-08-H 产品详情 Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and ...
DBLS-08-H产品详情Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and high...
DBLS-08-H产品详情Preface 220VAC BL drives is a powerful driver designed by Dingtuo Technology independence which is assorted with the advanced motion control industrial. The drives adopt the latest DSP specialized for motor as the core technical matched with high speed digital logic chips and high...