SymbolValueMeaning CPX_ANNOTATIONOBJ_OBJ0objective CPX_ANNOTATIONOBJ_COL1column or variable CPX_ANNOTATIONOBJ_ROW2row or constraint CPX_ANNOTATIONOBJ_SOS3special ordered set (SOS) CPX_ANNOTATIONOBJ_IND4indicator constraint CPX_ANNOTATIONOBJ_QC5quadratic constraint ...
llama-cli -m model.gguf -p "I believe the meaning of life is" -n 128 # I believe the meaning of life is to find your own truth and to live in accordance with it. For me, this means being true to myself and following my passions, even if they don't align with societal expecta...
“I didn’t ask you your name,” he said and smiled. “Yes, we forgot. My family name is Guo,my given name Jing, meaning Serenity. And you?”“My family name is Huang, my given nameRong, meaning Lotus.” 那少年微微一笑,道:“还没请教兄长高姓大名。”郭靖笑道:”真是的,这倒忘了。
“I didn’t ask you your name,” he said and smiled. “Yes, we forgot. My family name is Guo,my given name Jing, meaning Serenity. And you?”“My family name is Huang, my given nameRong, meaning Lotus.” 那少年微微一笑,道:“还没请教兄长高姓大名。”郭靖笑道:”真是的,这倒忘了。