From the lineament map, the lineament density and lineament intersection maps prepared to understand the impacts on groundwater percolation. Finally, the hydrogeomorphology and Lineament maps are overlaid following the weighted index overlay method, which delineates groundwater potential zones. An ...
Fat and water fractions were computed pixel-by-pixel from the chemical shift selective images with an algorithm of reconstruction that allowed parametric maps (called hydrolipidic maps) to be produced with a pixel size of 625脳625 碌m. RESULTS: Our findings indicate that, in the perirenal ...
Consequently, using the ordinary block kriging method and the methods of quick interpolation, i.e., the inverse distance squared method and the linear kriging model, the raster maps of the mean estimated distributions Z*, estimated standard deviation 蟽k and also interpolated values of t were ...
The presented normal and shear stress surface maps will guide future inicrofluidic experiments as well as provide a framework for characterizing cytoskeletal structure influencing the stress to strain response.KohlesReparativeSeanReparativeS.Reparative
sect., Sect. Ciliatae Hauman, and Sect. Cirrhosae Hauman emend. Mart铆nez. 2) Keys for recognition of sections, series, and species. 3) A list of the species, including for each a list of synonyms, references to accessible iconography, and common names. 4) Distribution maps for the ...
Detailed locality data and distribution maps for all species are provided. A lectotype is designated for Discocerina incisum Coquillett and Hydrochasma zernyi Hendel. For perspective and to facilitate genus-group and species-group recognition, the tribe Discocerinini is diagnosed and a key to ...