In a 6-2 decision written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the United States Supreme Court held on April 19, 2011 that the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy ("VOPA"), an independent state agency, can sue on its own behalf the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental ...
2月 2025, 在心理健康類別中排名第 #0,全球排名第 #0。在此取得完整的 Analytics(分析)與市場佔有率詳細資料
The article discusses an initiative by Debra Ferguson, Commissioner of Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS) for review of the state behavioral health and development services system. It mentions that Debra has formed teams, each focusing on areas such as adult ...
The article discusses the highlights of the 2011 Conference of the Historic Diving Society (HDS) held at the Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Virginia. Conference organizer Nyle Monday explained that the advertised speakers program had changed slightly due to scheduling conflicts. Janice Raber gave...
It also notes the recommendation of Jan Raber in 2010 that the Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Virginia be the venue of the 2011 HDS Conference.KushnerSteveEBSCO_AspJournal of Diving History