Analysis of field data did not find substantial differences between methods of measurement with regard to predictive power for total height and average crown width. Alternatives to the current protocols for measuring at 137cm have other advantages, including time required, ease of measurement, ...
2. Tree has branches or bumps which interfere with DBH measurement. Measure DBH below the branch or bump. Some references say to measure a foot below the branching point, which assumes this point is the smallest diameter of the trunk below 4.5 ft. US Forest Service measures DBH immediately ...
Keywords:singleCCDcamera;theodolite;diameteratbreastheightmeasurement;monocularvision;imageprocessing 引言 胸径(DBH)又称干径,指乔木主干离地表面1.3m处的 直径,断面畸形时,测取最大值和最小值的平均值 [1] 。胸径是 立木测定的最基本因子之一,其测量是评价立地质量和林木生 长状况的重要依据 [2] 。目前,林业...
This paper presented a kind of measurement method based on the tree images taken by a single CCD camera mounted on a theodolite.Based on the tree images,it employed some approaches,including threshold segmentation,open computing,and edge detection,to extract the two-dimensional coordinates of the ...
Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is particularly suitable to the measurement of forest structural parameters. In this paper, we describe a pilot study to extract forest structural parameters, such as tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and position of individual tree using a ...
2.On-line measurement system of average particle size in gas-solid fluidized bed based on acoustic emission analysis and least squares support vector machine;基于CCA-LSSVM在线检测流化床平均粒径 3.005mol/L,the average particle size and z.加入Na+、Ca2+和Al3+均可增加水性油墨粒子的平均粒径,而Al...
Tree diameter measurement is one of the most important stages of forest inventories to assess growing stock, aboveground biomass, and landscape restoration options, among others. This study investigates the accuracy of measuring tree diameters using a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)鈥揺quipped ...
Accuracy improved as understory density decreased and as tree DBH increased. Inertial measurement unit (IMU) and positional accuracy errors with the iPad Pro scanner limit the feasibility of using this device for forest inventories.doi:10.3390/f15010214Matthew Guenther...
Analysis of field data did not find substantial differences between methods of measurement with regard to predictive power for total height and average crown width. Alternatives to the current protocols for measuring at 137 cm have other advantages, including time required, ease of measurement, ...
The high precision tree DBH measurer has the characteristics of high measuring resolution, and micrometer magnitude precision; meanwhile tree DBH static measurement and dynamic measurement are combined, thereby reducing measuring errors.陈爱军叶兰芝