(2012). Tree species classification and estimation of stem volume and DBH based on single tree extraction by exploiting airborne full-waveform LiDAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 368-380.Yao, W., Krzystek, P. and Heurich, M., 2012. Tree species classification and estimation of ...
Earth’s forests, which cover 30% of the total land area, are dynamic systems that are constantly in a state of change and drive/respond to the changes taking place in our environment. Tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and other forest structure parameters are examples of the im...
The main tree species were Black poplar (Populus nigra Linn.) on plot 2, Golden rain (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.), Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) on plot 3, and Pinus tabulaeformis (Pinus tabuliformis Carr.), Oriental arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco) on ...
WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" # In the $text part of the WARN_FORMAT command it is possible that a reference # to a more specific place is given. To make it easier to jump to this place # (outside of doxygen) the user can define a custom "cut" / "paste" string. ...
Keywords: diameter at breast height (DBH); tree height; random Hough transform; point cloud; terrestrial laser scanning 1. Introduction Earth's forests, which cover 30% of the total land area, are dynamic systems that are constantly in a state of change and drive/respond to the changes ...