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这是一个TAS插件,我是内侧使用者,因为它属于DB Gaming首次公开,这是类似于TAS speedruns的工具,他们的视频值得一看,请订阅他们!这个插件的开发归功于Jonah Xia。在这段视频中,我将给你一个简短的演示,我做了一些动作记录,这些动作在视频的最后被电脑执行。BiliBili
Gaming the system.Focuses on the reasons for the increase in the interest of digital media and wireless technology sectors to venture into providing products for entertainment such as mobile games, movies and music.SilvaJeffreyEBSCO_bspRcr Wireless News...
GAMING FOR DUMMIES. GAMING FOR DUMMIES.GAMING FOR DUMMIES.The author of the article, Jeff Green, resents the notion among the gamers that computer games are getting easier. He perceives it the other way that the games are getting rather friendlier. He states that the friendly environment or ...
On January 1st “gaming disorder” -- in which games are played compulsively, despite causing harm -- gains recognition from the World Health Organisation (WHO), as the newest edition of its diagnostic manual comes into force. A few months ago China, the...
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