SBR =Broly (DBS) TEN =Tien TNK =Trunks VDL =Videl VGN =Vegeta VGT =Vegeta (Super Saiyan) VTO =Vegito (SSGSS) YAM =Yamcha YGH =Gohan (Teen) ZAM =Zamasu (Fused) Midscreen Combos ComboDamageMeter GainWorks on:DifficultyNotes 2M > 5M > jc.ML2H > SD > j.ML > jc.ML > j.236L380...
Broly (DBS) Captain Ginyu Cell Cooler Frieza Gogeta (SSGSS) Gogeta (SS4) Gohan (Teen) Gohan (Adult) Goku Goku (Super Saiyan) Goku (SSGSS) Goku (Ultra Instinct) Goku (GT) Goku Black Gotenks Hit Janemba Jiren Kefla Kid Buu Krillin ...
<DBFZ |DBS Broly Broly (DBS) Overview Combos Strategy Frame Data Resources General Tactics S Broly is an absolute gorilla. He's a rushdown grappler with decent projectiles, making him a threat at all ranges. Because of his command grab, he doesn't actually need assists to hit you. ...
Goes right through Broly's Powered Shell, but teleports Hit into the loving arms of physical counters like SS4 Gogeta's Punisher Guard and Jiren's Shock Tornado. Highly unsafe on block, so be sure to cover failed attempts with an assist. Never true strings into Vanish. Instant Blow Tides...
在3DM Mod站下载龙珠战士Z最新的DBFZ Broly as Wolzard/Koragg Mod,由monkeygigabuster制作。lilinyf在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: monkeygigabuster Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 5.74 MB 更新时间: 2018-10...
DBFZ ▰ The Current Best Broly【Dragon Ball FighterZ】 - YouTube 99 0 27:27 App Dragon Ball FighterZ- Supernoon (L) vs EG - NYChrisG (W) - First Attack 2019 Gra 710 0 02:02 App Dragon Ball FighterZ - Broly (DBS) DLC All Forms Screens 28 0 19:46 App THE BEST JIREN!- ...
DBFZ Rebelo ( UI Goku Vegito Blueku ) vs asseater ( Broly Cell GT Goku ) DRAGON 54 -- 13:29 App DBFZ Zelaya ( Beerus UI Goku Gogeta ) vs Jiren The Saucy ( 17 Jiren SSJ Goku ) F 42 -- 26:45 App DBFZ Kaimart ( Broly DBS UI Goku Cooler ) vs kent333 ( UI Goku Kefla Bl...
Super Broly Gogeta Piccolo Hit Tien Kefla Base Goku D-Tier These fighters are rarely picked in competitive matches. They are very weak, and therefore, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time practicing these fighters. Their base stats are low, and they suffer a huge disadvantage because...
For example, characters like Broly and Fused Zamasu are able to pull off solo touch of death sequences without spending Sparking Blast.Meanwhile, fighters like Piccolo and Perfect Cell only need about one bar of meter to start with before beginning their touch of death combos while others like...
BGK = Goku (SSGSS) BLK = Goku Black BRO = Broly BRS = Beerus BVG = Vegeta (SSGSS) CEL = Cell CLR = Cooler FRZ = Frieza GKN = Goku GKU = Goku (Super Saiyan) GNY = Captain Ginyu GT4 = Gogeta (SS4) GTA = Gogeta (SSGSS) GTG = Goku (GT) GTK = Gotenks GUI = Goku (Ultra ...