dBFS的全称是Decibels relative to full scale。dBFS和dBm之间有固定的转化关系: XdBFS=YdBm−MAXOUTPUTdBmXdBFS=YdBm−MAXOUTPUTdBm 但是不同设备的MAXOUTPUT即最大输出功率不一样,比如如果一个器件的最大输出功率是20dBm(也即100mW),那么: XdBFS=YdBm−20XdBFS=YdBm−20 所以在这个器件中,当我们想把...
The dBm calculator and power matching or impedance matching Explanation: What is "dBFS"? (Digital Audio) dBFS - Digital recording level Analog levels and digital levels are different realms. There is no decibel to dBFS converter Notice - Comparing dBu and dBFS: There is really no fixed ...