Open een desktop-app, bijvoorbeeld Word, Excel of PowerPoint. SelecteerBestand > Opslaan als. Selecteer uw werk- of schoolaccount voor OneDrive. Typ een naam voor het bestand en selecteerOpslaan. Mappen maken SelecteerNieuw > Map. Typ een naam voor de map en selecteerMaken. ...
Klik bijvoorbeeld in Word voor het web op openen in Word om verder te werken aan het document in Word. Een document maken vanuit een bureaublad-app van Office U kunt ook beginnen in een bureaublad-app van Office, zoals Word, Excel of PowerPoint, en een document rec...
Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows ...
"ADODB.Connection: Provider cannot be found" connecting Excel 2007 "Best practice" for a shared folder nested under another shared folder? "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe" with return code 1 "Extend Volume" greyed out "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password" when trying to join ...
I know it may still be premature to conclude on the new business; however, we have met her, and she seems well versed in the operations part of our business. We are strongly considering her as a potential operations manager, but we need your feedback as (144) . C. I am doing...
You’re busy filling out the application form for a position you really need. Let’s assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn’t it...
All these users will be sharing a set of files and folders stored on the server.Our client wants to disable the ability to download a file to the local desktop using (Cut/Copy & Paste) or the Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V option. So, users can only read a word/excel file on the server...
余忆童稚时,能张目对日,明察秋毫,见藐小之物必细察其纹理,故时有物外之趣。 夏蚊成雷,私拟作群鹤舞于空中,心之所向,则或千或百,果然鹤也;昂首观之,项为之强。又留蚊于素帐中,徐啧以烟,使之冲烟而飞呜,作青云白鹤观,果如鹤唳云端,为之怡然称快。 余常于土墙凹凸处,花台...
Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows ...
"ADODB.Connection: Provider cannot be found" connecting Excel 2007 "Best practice" for a shared folder nested under another shared folder? "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe" with return code 1 "Extend Volume" greyed out "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password" when trying to join do...