关于报错" Version 1.8.0_ 301 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 11 or greater is required." 1.dbeaver官网下载community下windows 64 bit(zip),直接下载解压 2.解压后打开目录文件找到dbeaver.exe,创建快捷方式 3.右键快捷方式,属性,在"目标"路径后面加上-vm D:/bigdata/software...
DBeaver ce 22.2.3-1 要求 jre>=11,安装时默认安装了 jre17-openjdk 17.0.5-u1-1。但是启动时却提示Version 1.8.0_352 of the JVM is not suituable for this product. Version 11 or greater is required.,使用 pamac 再检查 dbeaver 的依赖 jre17 已经安装了,结果java -version的运行结果返回的是op...
DBeaver连接数据库提示CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required 以下方法解决了我个人的数据库问题,仁者见仁智者见智。 百度说是驱动版本不对,下载老版本的。 https://www.cnblogs.com/whycai/p/16500932.html 这个博主写的下载老版驱动很详细 我补充下具体怎么连接使用 正常输入用户名密码后,点编辑驱动设置,然后在下图1的...
1.打开 https://www.mysql.com/,往下拉,点击 下载 2.选择 MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads » 3. 选择 Connector/J 4.选择 Archives 5.选择低版本,下载 二、新增mysql驱动 1.数据库--驱动管理器 --新建或复制 已有的Mysql 2.选择 库,添加文件,将步骤一下载的jar包导入...
原因: mysql当前连接驱动不支持低版本的,驱动要求: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver :mysql-connector-java 5及5之前 com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver :mysql-connector-java 6及6之后 解决: 一、在mysql官网下载低版本的驱动 1.打开 https://www.mysql.com/,往下拉,点击 下载 ...
Description As of DBeaver 23.2.5, I can no longer connect to MySQL 5.x instances. I get a connection error dialog box, with the message "CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required". I believe this is due to the following change, from the release not...
Description hi If I send an malformed/incorrect SQL query twice - DBeaver will not recover from this error - the only solution is to open new SQL query window and execute the corrected query there. It is very annoying. It will stuck like...
CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required 线上percona是5.5.31版本 springboot启动提示连接mysql报错:java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required 我们看到mysql连接依赖的jar包mysql-connector-java的版本是8.0.17,而我用的mysql是5.1.37版本的,改下试试:...
Description Navigating to https://dbeaver.io/download/ under Install: and Java notes it's specified that Dbeaver requires JDK 11 to run; this has changed recently with a v23 release. DBeaver Version DBeaver v23 Operating System Windows D...
Description SQLite3 DB accessed via DBeaver and Visual Studio C# Winforms GUI app on Win 10 Pro x64 all table definitions done in DBeaver; GUI app accesses/updates data GUI app has a high level of dependence on the DB; DB required for ap...