public class TrinoQueryExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Trino数据库连接信息 String trinoUrl = "jdbc:trino://xxx:8080"; String trinoUser = "admin"; String trinoPassword = ""; // SQL查询语句 String sqlQuery = "select * from \"mysql-1\".flinkx_test.flinkx_hdfs...
When you specifyFORMAT=JSONwithEXPLAIN, the output has no single property directly equivalent toselect_type; thequery_blockproperty corresponds to a givenSELECT. Properties equivalent to most of theSELECTsubquery types just shown are available (an example beingmaterialized_from_subqueryforMATERIALIZED), ...
To export JSON values as embedded JSON, the following conditions should be met: The column must have a JSON data type. TheexportJsonAsStringoption in the export configuration should be set tofalse. For example, the following SQL query: SELECT 'abs' AS id, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_Geo...
To execute a query under the cursor in a separate tab, pressCTRL+\or right-click the query and clickExecute->Execute SQL in new tabon the context menu. The same can be done using the main toolbar or the main menu:SQL Editor->Execute SQL in new tab. This executes the SQL query unde...
1.列式数据库2.良好的数据压缩比3.对存储无依赖,且即使在 HDD 也能实现良好的性能,但推荐 SSD4.合理利用多核心 CPU 提高性能#单进程多线程5.支持 SQL 语句,支持部分sql语句6.向量引擎:为了高效的使用 CPU,数据不仅仅按列存储,同时还按向量(列的一部分)进行处...
Open a SQL console. Right-click the virtual database you want to query. Select SQL Editor. Select Open SQL console. A new SQL console window that is connected to the virtual database you selected opens. 3 Enter a SQL query in the console. For example queries, see Query with Atlas SQL...
How to fix Dbeaver java heap space error while executing SQL Query While executing the SQL Query in Dbeaver, I am getting java heap space error. It occurred due to large tables not able to fetched in Dbeaver heap space. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java h
DBeaver是一款开源的数据库工具,可以用于连接和管理多种数据库。它提供了丰富的功能,包括数据查询、数据导入导出、表结构设计、数据库管理等。在DBeaver中,可以使用变量来简化和优化SQL查询。 在DBeaver中声明变量可以使用以下语法: 代码语言:txt 复制 DECLARE @variable_name data_type [ = value ] ...
SQL Expression Evaluation To evaluate an SQL expression, right-click the expression and clickExecute -> Evaluate SQL expressionon the context menu. This command performs a query ofSELECT [expression] FROM DUALtype: Row Count If you want to know how many rows an SQL query will produce, you ne...
可以通过以下 SQL 命令检查和修改权限: 示例代码 以下是一个简单的示例代码,展示如何使用 JDBC 连接 MySQL 数据库: 代码语言:txt 复制 import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; public class MySQLConnectionExample { public static void main(String[] args) { ...