在是用DBeaver连接Clickhouse做查询时,有时候会出现连接或查询超时的情况,这个时候可以在连接的参数中添加设置socket_timeout参数来解决问题。 具体添加过程如下: 1、打开连接设置面板 2、进入编辑驱动设置 3、在URL模板中添加参数配置即可。 jdbc:clickhouse://{host}:{port}[/{database}]?socket_timeout=600000 1...
DBeaverClickhouse连接/查询超时(Read timeout) 在是用DBeaver连接Clickhouse做查询时,有时候会出现连接或查询超时的情况,这个时候可以在连接的参数中添加设置socket_timeout参数来解决问题。具体添加过程如下:1、打开连接设置面板2、进入编辑驱动设置3、在URL模板中添加参数配置即可。参数说明:socket_timeout:连接超时时间...
feign.RetryableException: Connect to 地址 failed: connect timed out executing 调用另一个服务连接超时 feign.RetryableException: Connect to 地址 failed: connect timed out executing 报错因素:调用另一个服务连接超时 本地启动项目服务根据报错信息发现调用另一个服务连接超时,为什么会这个样子呢? 原因: 我们现在...
Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights Additional navigation options New issue The connection timed out#4186 Closed krsbaluopened this issueSep 11, 2018· 20 comments serge-rideradded thequestionlabelSep 11, 2018 serge-rideradded this to the5.2.1milestoneSep 21, 2018 ...
Socket read timed outNeonchen added bug wait for review labels Apr 9, 2020 Neonchen changed the title Connection using more complex JDBC URL not possible Connection using complex custom JDBC URL not possible Apr 9, 2020 Neonchen changed the title Connection using complex custom JDBC URL not...
MySQL客户端连接Doris报错“Read timed out” 现象描述 在MySQL客户端连接Doris报错: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out 原因分析 Doris服务端响应较慢。 处理步骤 使用MySQL客户 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 其他语句 承GaussDB事务机制,事务中执行DDL,DCL不会自动提交。MySQL在DDL、DCL、管理类语句,锁...
System information: OS: macOS Monteray (v12.3.1) DBeaver version: 22.0.4 CE Additional extensions: None Connection specification: Database name and version: MySQL 8.0.13-4 Driver name: MySQL (id: mysql8; mysql-connector-java:8.0.17) Do y...
Error connecting to Mongo instance [] com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out after 30000 ms while waiting for a server that matches ReadPreferenceServerSelector{readPreference=primary}. Client view of cluster state is {type=REPLICA_SET, servers=[{address=wslu.sys:27017, type=UNKN...
This happens whether I'm just starting DBeaver, or if some hours ago I was using it, but now the VPN connection has timed-out. Include any warning/errors/backtraces from the logs org.jkiss.dbeaver.model.sql.DBSQLException: SQL Error [390420] [XX000]: IP is not allowed.xxx.xxx.xxx....
If I don't use Keep-Alive interval (set to 0), everything works normally and obviously I get timed out after a few minutes. In all cases if I click "Test connection ..." before applying the changes, the connection is established successfully. ...