11DBeaver+connectToDatabase()+importSQLFile()+executeSQL()MySQL+createDatabase()+createTable()+insertData() 6. 流程图 下面是一个流程图,展示了使用 DBeaver 工具导入备份的 SQL 文件的整个流程。 打开DBeaver连接到 MySQL 数据库创建数据库导入 SQL 文件处理导入失败...
strCon="provider=sqloledb;data source=servername;initial catalog=databasename;uid=username;pwd=password" set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") conn.open strCon conn.begintrans '事务开始 conn.execute(sql),num 'num表示update、insert、delete影响的行数 conn.committrans '事务提交 conn.rollb...
To execute a query under the cursor in a separate tab, pressCTRL+\or right-click the query and clickExecute->Execute SQL in new tabon the context menu. The same can be done using the main toolbar or the main menu:SQL Editor->Execute SQL in new tab. This executes the SQL query unde...
Otherwise the connection might take several minutes to complete while the resource starts. Click SQL Editor > New SQL Script. On the (connection-name) Script-1 tab, enter this SQL statement: SELECT * FROM samples.nyctaxi.trips; Click SQL Editor > Execute SQL script.Next steps...
您可以在DBeaver中执行SQL查询,导入和导出数据,以及执行其他数据库管理任务。下面是一些常用的DBeaver功能和操作: 执行SQL查询:在主界面中,您可以看到一个SQL编辑器窗口。在其中输入SQL查询,然后点击“Execute”按钮或使用快捷键F9来执行查询。 导入和导出数据:在主界面中,选择“File”菜单,然后选择“Import Data”或...
2、执行SQL查询 DBeaver提供了强大的SQL编辑器,允许你编写和执行SQL查询。点击工具栏上的“SQL Editor”按钮,打开一个新的SQL编辑器窗口。在编辑器中输入你的SQL查询,然后点击“Execute”按钮执行查询。 3、管理数据库 DBeaver还提供了丰富的数据库管理功能,如数据导入导出、表结构管理、索引管理等。你可以通过右键...
Windows 10 DBeaver 5.0.4 Community MariaDB SQL File in UTF-8 format - copied from Linux source. Problem/Question: Attempting to run "Database Name" > "Tools" > "Execute Script" and supply a 80MB+ UTF-8 formatted sql file. When using verb...
The best way to work with existing SQL queries is in visual mode. Execute your visually constructed query at any moment and get results on the screen. Import and export data to/from files or other databases. DBeaver supports various file formats: CSV, HTML, XML, JSON, XLS or XLSX and ...
ClickSQL Editor > New SQL Script. On the(connection-name) Script-1tab, enter this SQL statement: SQL SELECT*FROMsamples.nyctaxi.trips; ClickSQL Editor > Execute SQL script. Next steps Additional resources प्रतिक्रिया ...
To execute Redis commands, use the syntax similar to the Redis command line shell: SET mykey "Hello" This command will set the value ofmykeytoHello. To run this command in DBeaver, you would type it into the SQL editor and execute it using eitherCTRL+EnterorALT+X. ...