new connection dialog open - Database drivers: - Bigquery: DDL for tables, views and stored procedures was added - Clickhouse: arrays and structures visualization was fixed - Greenplum: external tables reading was fixed - Teradata: issue with the missing templates was fixed - Many minor UI and...
create analytical reports based on records from different data storages, and export information in an appropriate format. For advanced database users, DBeaver suggests a powerful SQL-editor, plenty of administration features, abilities of data and schema migration, monitoring database connection sessions...
etc Databases Generic MySQL/MariaDB PostgreSQL Oracle Exasol DB2 Apache Hive/Spark/Impala MongoDB Cassandra InfluxDB Redis Clickhouse Troubleshooting Command-Line Reset UI settings Reset workspace Posting issues Log files Thread dump Admin Guide Managing connections Managing drivers Windows Silent Install Fea...
Free universal database tool and SQL client. Contribute to dbeaver/dbeaver development by creating an account on GitHub.
Click the cell to focus on it, then pressEnter. Right-click the cell and selectInline editfrom the context menu. Once in inline editing mode, the cell becomes editable, allowing the user to modify its value. Tip: If your table doesn't have unique keys, DBeaver lets you createvirtual ke...
Renaming Scripts Reverting Changes Changing default scripts directory Adding external directory SQL Console Saving Scripts You can save scripts to a predefined space in the currently active project or somewhere in the file system. To save a script to the current project space, just pressCtrl+Sor rig...