it is important to understand the ownership structure of the business. The group holding the most number of shares in the company, around 35% to be precise, is hedge funds. That is, the group stands to benefit the most if the stock rises (or lose the most if there is a downturn...
LFG - Looking for a group,寻找队伍以加入。 LFM - Looking for more,找寻更多的人组队。 LOL - Lots of Laugh/Laughing Out Loud,大笑。这个缩写意味着某些事的确十分好笑。 但不幸的是,虽然这个词十分常用,但从很久以前开始它便容易引发一些不理智的行为(译者:毕竟有些人很容易被嘲笑激怒)。作为变通,你可以...
copy it, identifying the source. Leave space to add thoughts of your own. If you accumulate a lot of entries, you may want to make an index or to group passages according to subject.
以下哪项不是1999年昆明会议确定的小儿病毒性心肌炎诊断标准中存在的争议()。 A. 诊断标准中完全取消病史、症状和体征,完全依靠化验和器械检查,不符合一般疾病的诊断规律 B. 诊断标准过严 C. 发病前有病毒感染史很重要,但未列入诊断标准 D. 取消了只有少数医院能开展并且属于半定量性质的核素检查 E....
关于新石器时代的叙述,正确的包括() ①新石器时代的标志是磨光石器的流行和陶器的使用②新石器时代的农业革命使人类的生活方式发生了根本性变化③新石器时代末期人类已知使用金属④新石器时代是母系氏族公社的全盛时期⑤新石器时代人类转入了较稳定的定居生活 ...
Complete-IoU (CIoU) Loss and Cluster-NMS for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation (YOLACT) - CIoU/external/DCNv2/ at f2346d64661a961f20c1bd1f09960bf9120e4dbd · Jnyle/CIoU
ruining a family holiday in France because of the endless search for a swimming pool to train in, almost missing my brother’s wedding because I was too busy hiring a car in downtown Johannesburg and driving through...
8. draft : the choosing or taking of an individual or individuals from a group for some special purpose, especially for compulsory military service 9. distinction: the quality that makes one seem superior or worthy of special recognition 10. action: military combat in general 11. whip up: rou...
Sir Francis Walshe's latest volume comprises a group of his publications in neurology which have appeared recently in various journals. His approach is on both the philosophical and experimental plane. This viewpoint will particularly in... JD Spillane - 《Journal of the American Medical Associatio...
" you just need to meet a group of models, because they have the thinnest thighs, the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes, and they're the most physically insecure women probably on the planet. 这不假,但这只是事实的一半,...