非对称 PvP 恐怖生存名作《黎明杀机》(Dead by Daylight;DBD)先前传出开发商注册新商标的消息不假,今(18)日《钩魂迷恋》(Hooked on You)正式公开,这是一款以 DBD 杀人鬼为攻略对象的恋爱模拟游戏,预计登上 Steam 平台。根据官方资讯,玩家将陪同四位性感的杀人鬼「陷阱杀手」(The Trapper)、「女猎手...
非对称 PvP 恐怖生存名作《黎明杀机》(Dead by Daylight;DBD)先前传出开发商注册新商标的消息不假,今(18)日《钩魂迷恋》(Hooked on You)正式公开,这是一款以 DBD 杀人鬼为攻略对象的恋爱模拟游戏,预计登上 Steam 平台。 根据官方资讯,玩家将陪同四位性感的杀人鬼「陷阱杀手」(The Trapper)、「女猎手」(The ...
In Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim, players will get the chance to romance or befriend one of four killers from the synchronous multiplayer game Dead by Daylight. Players can choose the Trapper, the Wraith, the Ghost, and the Huntress for a prospective partner on an unknown ...
非对称 PvP 恐怖生存名作《黎明杀机》(Dead by Daylight;DBD)先前传出开发商注册新商标的消息不假,今(18)日《钩魂迷恋》(Hooked on You)正式公开,这是一款以 DBD 杀人鬼为攻略对象的恋爱模拟游戏,预计登上 Steam 平台。 根据官方资讯,玩家将陪同四位性感的杀人鬼「陷阱杀手」(The Trapper)、「女猎手」(The ...
They’re an excellent choice if you want to try out a fully aggression-focused Killer. The Huntress – A Killer with the ability to throw her weapons across a limited range, The Huntress is good for those who value precision and foresight over speed and aggression when tackling their prey....