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char *creator; char *name; char *description; char *lastUpdated; int dlCount; int likeCount; SDL_Texture *preview; } ThemeInfo_t; typedef struct { int target; int limit; int page; int sort; int order; char *search; int pageCount; int itemCount; cJSON *response; ThemeInfo_t *themes...
2.1.325 Part 3 Section 14.4, meta:creator-initials 2.1.326 Part 3 Section 14.5.2, script:event-listener 2.1.327 Part 3 Section 14.6, math:math 2.1.328 Part 3 Section 14.6 (MathML 2.0 Section 3.2.3), Identifier (mi) 2.1.329 Part 3 Section 14.6 (MathML 2.0 Section 3....
Jungo Kasai, the creator of these models, was very helpful at suggesting that a custom hyper-parameterlength_penalty=0.6 was used, and once I plugged that in I was getting much better results. This discovery lead me to write a new script:, which can be used...
; } #保持 Parcelable 不被混淆 -keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable { public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *; } #如果引用了v4或者v7包 -dontwarn** ###混淆保护自己项目的部分代码以及引用的第三方jar包library-end### #保持 native 方法不被混...