另一方面, DbSet.Attach(entity) 将实体附加到上下文而不将其标记为脏。相当于做了context.Entry(entit...
除了(标记的答案)之外, context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Unchanged 和 context.Attach(...
A common pattern for some applications is to either Add an entity as new (resulting in a database insert) or Attach an entity as existing and mark it as modified (resulting in a database update) depending on the value of the primary key. For example, when using database gene...
When I attach the indicator to a chart it works as expected, but ...I need to restructure this class without the use of instance variables So I'm doing a TUI and this was my first iteration. My instructor wants me to do this without instance variables He said if a method needs the...
增加DbContext 对 DbSet 的快速代理方法(Add/Update/Remove/Attach); 增加DbContext 通用类,命名为:FreeContext,也可以通过 IFreeSql 扩展方法 CreateDbContext 创建; 增加ISelect NoTracking 扩展方法,查询数据时不追踪(从而提升查询性能); v0.4.5 增加DbSet Attach 方法附加实体,可用于不查询就更新或删除; v0.4...
在多线程中EF修改事件的解决方案,使用attach不可以: 使用Entry也报错 最终参考如下帖子 //////修改方法//////publicvoidUpdateAddress(Address addressValue) {using(OrderDBContainer context =newOrderDBContainer()) {//显示输入新数据的信息Display("Current", addressValue);...
related to the order from your last reply. I suggest you can try to place this.dbContext.Relaties.Attach(relatie) before you update relationship and try it again. Please check here for more information about Attaching Entities.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg696174(v=VS.103).aspx...
(e.g. when you've used the Facebook API to post a status update on Facebook, you can't roll it back even if that operation was part of a wider user action that eventually failed as a whole). So in this application, a user action will often require us to execute multiple business...
How to properly attach a bootstrap template onto a asp.net core project how to put a filter on my razor @foreach How to put controller and Model into separate projects (assemblies)? how to put link inside datalist tag to open another view or modal How to put maxvalue on textbox How...
Some of the ObjectContext methods are also renamed. For example ObjectContext has methods like AddObject, DeleteObject And Attech on ObjectSet<T>, in DbContext, they are named Add, Remove and Attach on DbSet<TEntity>. Conclusion Dbcontext can be defined as a lightweight version of the Object...