QueryDB has spent over 13 years helping developers remotely query their MySQL databases on iOS. It's not just a desktop port: it handles flakey cellular network connections and delivering your data wherever you are! • Integrated UI support for parameterized queries • Support for SSH ...
QueryDB has spent over 13 years helping developers remotely query their MySQL databases on iOS. It's not just a desktop port: it handles flakey cellular network connections and delivering your data wherever you are! • Integrated UI support for parameterized queries • Support for SSH ...
sshgpgssh-keydropbearprivate-keydbclientdropbear-ssh UpdatedSep 23, 2024 Shell Database client for PostgreSQL written in Python using Qt5 pyqt5postgresqlpython3dbclient UpdatedMar 15, 2019 Python Simple web-client for simple database management system ...
MONGOLIMEMongoLime is a powerful MongoDB mobile client, allowing quick and simple access to MongoDB servers. Built-in SSH tunnel can connect remote server easily, also ensure data security with SSL. MongoLime is a new, modern and unique application created by developers and for developers. ...
如果需要,也可以设置SSH服务开机自启: bash sudo systemctl enable ssh 验证网络连接是否通畅,无防火墙或路由器设置阻碍: 从你的机器尝试ping目标服务器,检查网络连接: bash ping 如果ping不通,可能是网络问题或路由器/防火墙设置问题。检查路由器和防火墙设置,确保没有阻止从你的机器到目标服务器的...
QueryDB has spent over 13 years helping developers remotely query their MySQL databases on iOS. It's not just a desktop port: it handles flakey cellular network connections and delivering your data wherever you are! • Integrated UI support for parameterized queries • Support for SSH ...
这种连接可以是在同一台机器上进行不同用户之间的交互,也可以是在不同主机之间进行远程连接操作。通过连接,用户可以方便地进行文件传输、远程操作等操作,提高工作效率。 在Linux系统中,最常用的连接方式包括SSH和SCP。SSH是Secure Shell的缩写,它是一种加密的网络传输协议,用于在网络上安全地传输数据。通过SSH连接...
Data encryption with SSH Connect to databases with high security and only transfer data with strong encryption. Master password protection Set a strong master password in DbVisualizer, so that all your data is safely secured on your computer. Secure data access Set clear user permissions to avoid...
//连接到 mongodb 服务,这里的 "localhost" 表示连接的服务器地址,27017 为端口号。可以省略 端口号 不写,系统将默认端口号为 27017。 MongoClient mongoClient =newMongoClient("",27017); //连接到数据库 MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); ...
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