配置信息可以通过Configuration(配置)和Options(选项)来完成,ABP还提供了另一种更灵活的方式: Setting...
DABP (D-boxBP, D site-binding protein, Albumin D-element-binding protein, TAXREB302) is a 325 amino acid protein that belongs to the bZIP family (PAR subfamily) and contains one bZIP domain. It functions as a transcriptional activator that recognizes and binds to the promoter sequence 5'...
Hi all I have been learning a lot about ABP via this forum and I started using it in an application idea that I have. One thing I want to do is being able to use Cosmos DB on azure which is compatible with the MongoDB api. Technically sp...
ABP框架的结构 官方文档上对ABP框架的结构进行定义,如下图所示: 从下到上依次是基础设施层、领域层、应用层、分布式服务层、展现层和客户端应用。在比较容易理解的分层结构基础上,框架本身有提供诸如对象映射、缓存、日志、多租户、异常处理、依赖注入等等一系列很有用的功能。 ABP框架的分层架构体现在代码解决方案的...
如图d是等边三角形abc内一点且db等于dabp等于ab角dbp等于角dbc,求角p的度数?(求多种解法)我已经解出来了一种方法。谢谢了!... 如图d是等边三角形abc内一点且db等于dabp等于ab角dbp等于角dbc,求角p的度数?(求多种解法)我已经解出来了一种方法。谢谢了! 展开 ...
MongoDB 4.0 supports ACID transactions. MongoDB 4.2 supports distributed ACID transactions too! hikalkanaddedfeatureabp-frameworklabelsJul 6, 2018 hikalkanadded this to theBacklogmilestoneOct 2, 2018 hikalkanadded thepriority:normallabelOct 6, 2018 ...
1.我们再ABP项目添加一个.NET Core类库 类库名自定定义, 我这里定义为 TexHong_EMWX.MongoDb 添加NuGet包。 ABP mongocsharpdriver 添加AbpMongoDbConfigurationExtensions.cs /// /// 定义扩展方法 <see cref="IModuleConfigurations"/> 允许配置ABP MongoDB模块 /// public...
ABPI makes two appointments.ABPI makes two appointments.The article announces the appointments of Deepak Khanna as president and Neil Weir as chairman of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Innovation Board in Great Britain.EBSCO...
abp mongodb 租户 mongodb api [备忘使用] 启动MongoDB net start mongoDB net stop mongoDB 1. 2. 3. 连接数据库 mongoose.connetc('mongodb://localhost/playground').then( () => console.log('数据库连接成功')).catch( err => {console.log('数据库连接失败!')})...
下面看看应用如何使用MongoDB 简单使用 第一步:添加Nuget包 Volo.Abp.MongoDB 第二步:添加模块依赖 [DependsOn(typeof(AbpMongoDbModule))] 第三步:新建模型 public class MongoUser:Entity<Guid> { public string Name { get; set; } } 第四步:新建数据库上下文 public interface IAppMongDbContext: IAbp...