When you use a correlated subquery in an UPDATE statement, the correlation name refers to the rows that you want to update. For example, when all activities of a project must be completed before September 1983, your department considers that project to be a priority project. You can use the...
The UPDATE statement updates the values of specified columns in rows of a table or view. Updating a row of a view updates a row of its base table if no INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger is defined for this view. If such a trigger is defined, the trigger is activated instead. The table or ...
MatchingOrUpdateString(columns, numberOfKeys, true) + //get matching String ") WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET " + //Update Statement getMatchingOrUpdateString(columns, numberOfKeys, false) +//get update String " WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT " + //Insert Statement...
Example: LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS FOR 1 30. 显示用户数据库的存取权限 GET AUTHORIZATIONS 31. 启动实例 DB2START 32. 停止实例 db2stop 33. 表或视图特权 grant select,delete,insert,update on tables to user grant all on tables to user WITH GRANT OPTION 34. 程序包特权 GRANT EXECUTE ON PACKAGE PA...
Example: LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS FOR 1 30. 显示用户数据库的存取权限 GET AUTHORIZATIONS 31. 启动实例 DB2START 32. 停止实例 db2stop 33. 表或视图特权 grant select,delete,insert,update on tables to user grant all on tables to user WITH GRANT OPTION ...
body |———–>< SQL-procedure-body: |–SQL-procedure-statement———–| 语法说明 1、procedure-name: 存储过程的名字,在同一个数据库的同一模式下,不能存在存储过程名相同参数数目相同的存储过程,即使参数的类型不同也不行。 2、(IN | OUT | INOUT parameter-name ...
Prepared statements can be used to perform insert, update, delete and query operations. A prepared statement uses a question mark (?) as a place holder for input. For example: insert into EMP_TAB(Age, Name, Dept No) value(?, ?, ?) ...
Statement parameters sqlParameters object The parameters for the SQL query. Execute query Operation ID: executeQuery Execute a SQL query. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Query query True string The SQL query. Query parameters queryParameters object Parameters for the SQL query....
db2 update db cfg for btpdbs using LOGFILSIZ 5120 改完后,应执行以下命令使其生效: db2 stop db2 start 补充: db2 set schema btp 修改当前模式为"btp" db2 list tablespaces show detail 查看当前数据库表空间分配状况 db2 list tablespace containers for 2 show detail 查看tablespace ...