11、he ON clause for a table join is not valid.? -401The opera nds of an arithmetic or comparis on operati on arenot comparable.? -402An expressi on in a select list contains opera nds that are not compatible.? -405The numeric literal is out of range.? -407An UPDATE or INSERT ...
The ON clause for a table join is not valid. -401 The operands of an arithmetic or comparison operation are not comparable. -402 An expression in a select list contains operands that are not compatible. -405 The numeric literal is out of range. -407 An UPDATE or INSERT value is NULL,...
经常操作数据库不可避免,but,在写 SQL 语句的时候,难免遇到各种问题。例如,当我们看着数据库报出的一大堆错误时,是否有种两眼发蒙的感觉呢?值得庆幸的是,已经有人帮我们整理出一份关于 DB2 的错误代码大全啦,以后再遇到数据库报错,直接拎出看看,岂不爽哉?当然,在此对原作者送上万分的感谢。
‘2.jpg‘ 这个值类型不正确,它所存储的该列属性为numberic(数值)
訊息文字: The flags argument &1 passed to function &2 is not valid. 原因文字: The function &2 includes a &1 that was passed to the function as a regular expression flag parameter. 不過,傳遞至函數的字串包括未定義為旗標的字元。 回復文字: 修改函數呼叫,以傳入僅包含定義為旗標的字元的字串...
RESUME YES is not valid with SHRLEVEL REFERENCE. LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL CHANGE activates the before triggers and after triggers for each row that is loaded. If LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL NONE is specified with COPYDDN or RECOVERYDDN, an inline image copy will be created during LOAD processi...
$ db2 +c "insert into t6 values (1, 'abcdefghijk')" DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL0433N Value "abcdefghijk" is too long. SQLSTATE=22001 1. 2. 3. 4. 注:别忘...
Explanation: Numeric constant &1 not valid. 说明:数字常量和1无效。 SQL0104 SQLCODE -104 SQLSTATE 42601 SQL0104 SQLCODE -104 SQLSTATE 42601 Explanation: Token &1 was not valid. 说明:令牌&1无效。 Valid tokens: &2.有效的标记:&2。 SQL0105 SQLCODE -105 SQLSTATE 42604 SQL0105 SQLCODE -...
27、7001, 07004Explanation: Number of host variables not valid.SQL0328 SQLCODE -328 SQLSTATE 42996Explanation: Column &1 not allowed in partitioning key.SQL0329 SQLCODE -329 SQLSTATE 0E000Explanation: The SET PATH name list is not valid.SQL0330 SQLCODE -330 SQLSTATE 22021Explanation: Character ...
SQLCODE -101 SQLSTATE 54001, 54010, 54011 Explanation: SQL statement too long or complex. SQL0102 SQLCODE -102 SQLSTATE 54002 Explanation: String constant beginning with 1 too long. SQL0103 SQLCODE -103 SQLSTATE 42604 Explanation: Numeric constant 1 not valid. SQL0104 SQLCODE -104 SQLSTATE ...