如果你注意到红色的两行,将会发现系统处理器的个数与授权个数不一样。这种情况下,使用db2licm -n “DB2ESE” 2 (注:2对应系统的处理器个数)即可。 命令如下: #/home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2licm -n "DB2ESE" 2 DBI1418I The number of licensed processors on this system has been updated successfu...
- login as root - change directory to /usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance - Update the instance - ./db2iupdt db2inst1 Before the instance update ensure all DB2 interprocess communications are cleared for the instance to be updated. As the instance owner, run: <instance_home>/sqllib/bin/ipclean...
$ db2start 2013-04-23 13:23:08 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019 这个错误必须要检查的信息: o看看文件系统的空间是否足够 o 查看是否有足够的内存和交换/调页空间可用 o系统时间和日期设置正确,关系到db2授权许可...
db2start返回报错,无法启动DB2实例进程 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. (原则上,1042C问题的原因有很多种,只不过以下此类问题最常见) Explanation: A system error occurred. Some possible reasons for this error。 3.恢复步骤 进行实例更新,恢复损坏实例,通过/opt/IBM/db2/V9.X/insance/db2iup...
【DB2问题解决】SQL1042C SQL1032N SQLSTATE=57019 It can be due to incorrect ownership or permissions on db2sysc executable. Check the file permission in <instance_home>/sqllib/adm - It should be "-r-sr-s---" and owned by root:db2grp1 (in your case)...
DB2数据重启出现SQL1042C错误 今天在做DB2迁移时候,从V8.1到V9.7,由于版本差异以及该库是开发测试库,所以打算force application并做个离线备份,在源库中使用db2 force applications all,始终有新连接,遂决定将数据库重启,并通过将db2set DB2COMM=tcpip该为空,来禁止连接数据库。
【DB2问题解决】SQL1042C SQL1032N SQLSTATE=57019 2012-12-21 17:03 −... gnuhpc 0 3874 解决的问题(补充) 2011-07-20 16:58 −解决的问题 1、编译cmuclmtk http://www.cnblogs.com/libtool: line 479: CDPATH: command not found http://www.cnblogs.com/libtool: line... ...
一、原因:2010年9月8日,一客户服务器意外掉电,重起后发现db2数据库起动正常,但业务库连接时报错:[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1042C 发生意外的系统错误。 SQLSTATE=58004 。用db2 get db cfg for dbname命令获取配置时报:日志控制文件I/O出错。二、部份db2diag.log内容如下:(重点:MESSAGE : Header 1 and Header...
SQL1042C when trying to start DB2 on Linux Upon booting my Redhat, I suddenly couldn't get DB2 to start. It had worked fine up to that point, so I didn't know what was going on. When I ran db2start, I'd get this message:...
作为一个程序员,数据库是我们必须掌握的知识,经常操作数据库不可避免,but,在写 SQL 语句的时候,...