select distinct a.login KERBEROS, POSITION , value(c.yes,'NO') WITH_COVERAGE from inst1.s_employee a inner join inst1.s_emp_postn b on a.row_id = b.emp_id inner join inst1.s_postn e on b.position_id = e.row_id left outer join (select 'YES' yes, position_id from ...
I'm having an issue resolving this error, but when I run the below query I get: SQL0115 Comparison operator IN not valid From what I can tell in the documentation, this is because of the sub-select within my CASE statement, but I'm not sure why. This is a query that I'm trying ...
線上編輯您可以使用 USING 子句作為定義結合條件的速記方式。 USING 子句相當於結合條件,其中左側表格中的每一個直欄都會與右側表格中具有相同名稱的直欄相互比較。例如,查看此陳述式中的 USING 子句:SELECT EMPNO, ACSTDATE FROM CORPDATA.PROJACT INNER JOIN CORPDATA.EMPPROJACT USING (PROJNO, ACTNO) WHERE...
runstats on table tabname with distribution and indexes all 分布统计信息对于不使用主机变量的动态和静态查询最有用。在评估包含主机变量的查询时,优化程序会限制使用分布统计信息,所以分布统计信息对于 java 等动态的 sql 是非常有用的。另外分位数统计 ( 统计的进一步细分 ) ,帮助处理 range 谓词、 between 谓...
bash-3.2$ db2advis -d bassdb -itest2.sql---我们把待优化的sql语句写在test.sql2里,这种方法适合较长的sql Using user id as default schema name. Use -n option to specify schema CALL SYSPROC.GET_DBSIZE_INFO failed, sqlcode = -443. Getting database size from the catalog tables. execution...
LANGUAGE SQL Specifies that the function is written exclusively in SQL. SPECIFIC specific-name Specifies a unique name for the function. The name is implicitly or explicitly qualified with a schema name. The name, including the schema name, must not identify the specific name of another function...
DB2 SQL Select with for each I have table for customers. Each customer might have X amount of steps associated with it. So for example CUSTOMER1 can have BUY001, BUY002, BUY003 and SEL001, SEL002 steps associated with it. CUSTOMER2 might have BAD001, BAD002, BOP001, BOP002 steps ...
MIGRATE database数据库别名 user用户名 using密码命令 9. 启动DB2服务器 进入数据库安装目录下的bin目录:C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN 或db2操作环境中 执行db2start命令 10. 关于命令行编辑器的使用 使用命令行编辑器之前要连接到一个数据库。在该数据库中可以执行想要执行的命令和 SQL语句。