Otherwise,valueis a string of '*N'. System action The statement cannot be processed. Programmer response Correct the program to ensure the specified value conforms to the syntax of DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP. SQLSTATE 22007
1、word 资料db2 的常见 sqlcode所表示负数的含义sql0007 sqlcode -07sqlstate 42601explanation: character &1 (hex &2) not valid in sql statement. sql0010 sqlcode -10sqlstate 42603explanation: string constant beginning &1 not delimited. sql0029 sqlcode -29sqlstate 42601explanation: into clause ...
消息不足 ERRORCODE=-4499,SQLSTATE=08001 这里是表明某张表的数据满了,需要清理 2,错误码及黑色标...
SQLSTATE 或 SQLSTATE: 2200MSQ16246 訊息文字: Incomplete annotation mapping at or near &1 in XML schema document &2. The reason code is &3. 原因文字: The annotation mapping the XML schema item to a database object is missing some information near &1 in &2. The reason code is &3. ...
操作数据库过程中,遇到许多问题,很多都与SQL CODE和SQL State相关,现在把一个完整的SQLCODE和SQLState错误信息和相关解释作以下说明,一来可以自己参考,对DB2错误自行找出原因 sqlcode sqlstate 说明 000 00000 SQL语句成功完成 01xxx SQL语句成功完成,但是有警告 +012 01545 未限定的列名被解释为一个有相互关系的引...
.net Java 三种语言手动撸自己的连接数据库的Driver,而且要撸至少三种关系型数据库,SQL server/DB2(...
DB2的常见SQLCODE所表示负数的含义.doc,DB2 的常见 SQLCODE 所表示负数的含义 SQL0007 SQLCODE -07 SQLSTATE 42601 Explanation: Character 1 (HEX 2) not valid in SQL statement. SQL0010 SQLCODE-10 SQLSTATE 42603 Explanation: String constant beginning 1 not delimi
Listing of SQLSTATE valuesThe tables below provide descriptions of SQLSTATE codes that can be returned to applications by DB2® UDB for iSeries™.
Your code is very unsafe! You are taking a parameter directly from a form and inserting it into SQL. Someone can use this to do all sorts of evil things, even delete tables from your database. Please take a look at the first answer to this question for the safe way of using user-en...