Lists all the instances that are created using the db2icrt command from the same Db2 copy location that you are running the db2ilist command.
列出從您執行db2ilist指令的相同Db2®副本位置使用db2icrt指令建立的所有實例。 在Linux® 及 UNIX 作業系統上,此公用程式位於DB2DIR/instance目錄中,其中DB2DIR是Db2副本安裝所在的實例目錄。 在 Windows 作業系統上,此公用程式位於DB2PATH\bin目錄下,其中DB2PATH代表安裝Db2資料庫系統現行版本的安裝位置。
db2look -d db2res -o output will write stats for tables created in db db2res in latex format db2look -p -a -d db2res -o output - will write stats in plain text format DB2 -list tablespaces show detail displays the following information as an example: Tablespaces for Current Database T...
∙DB2LEVEL -- checks version of DB2 installed.∙DB2ILIST -- lists all instances installed ∙DB2CMD -- opens a command line processor ∙DB2CC -- opens db2 control center ∙DB2LICM -l -- gets db2 type. Command Line Processor Commands ∙DB2 LIST NODE DIRECTORY...
实例 一台机器可以创建多个实例,每个实例下可以管理多个数据库 windows db2icrtdb2inst1 修改环境变量db2instancesdb2inst1 db2start unix root用户下 创建三个操作系统用户,和对应的用户组db2inst1/db2ins,dasusr/dasgrp,fecusr/fecgrp db2icrtdb2inst1 su-db2inst1切换到创建的实例用户 db2start *** db2set设...
5. See all connections that currently exist for the current instance db2 list applications Fill in the following information: Application name: db2bp.exe Application handle: 2 (your answer may vary) Database name: SAMPLE 6. Disconnect from the database: ...
db2ilist - list instances db2 attach to <instance> user <username> using <password> // this will attach to the instance as the specified user. db2 create database feedb automatic storage yes db2 list applications db2stop db2start db2 list active databases ...
db2ilist - list instances db2 attach to <instance> user <username> using <password> // this will attach to the instance as the specified user. db2 create database feedb automatic storage yes db2 list applications db2stop db2start db2 list active databases ...
AVG_SPACE_FREELIST_BLOCKS空きリストのすべてのブロックの平均空き領域 NUM_FREELIST_BLOCKS空きリストのブロックの数 DEGREE表をスキャンするためのインスタンスごとのスレッドの数 INSTANCES表スキャンの対象となるインスタンス全体の数
instances. • The DB2 Instance Node-Level Profile Registry: Variables at this level apply to a specific partition in a multipartitioned DB2 environment. • The DB2 Instance Profile Registry: This contains a list of all instances in the system. The ...