Follow the steps below to upgrade your DB2 Databases installing the next fixpack: 1 - Download the appropriate fixpack Use the link below to donwload your fixpack 2 -backup instance and databases db2support . -d sample -cl...
Follow the steps below to upgrade your DB2 Databases installing the next fixpack: 1 - Download the appropriate fixpack Use the link below to donwload your fixpack 2 - Stop all DB2 Process Do the steps below to all instan...
[root@ps1 instance]# ls common db2dbmchk db2icrt db2idefs db2iexec db2imchk db2iset db2iuadm db2iupgrade db2iver db2uit sdSharedFileList db2chkf db2icknm db2icrt_local db2idrop db2iinfo db2instcfg db2isetup db2iupdt db2iupgrade_local db2prechk disp_msg db2clpid db2ickts db2idbm db2idro...
configurationparametersthatneedarecycleofthedatabasewe recommendyoufollowtherollingupgradesteps.See7.1,“DB2fixpack rollingupgrades”onpage177. _Recoveryhistoryfile: –NOTautomaticallyshippedtostandby. –Youcanplaceaninitialcopyofthehistoryfilebyusingaprimarybackup imagetorestorethehistoryfiletothestandbyusingtheRES...
This task provides the basic steps for upgradingIBM Db2. For more information about this process, see theIBM Db2documentation. About this task Important:Fix pack supportsDb211.5.4. If you are migrating or upgrading to 8.2, complete the migration or upgrade before you apply theDb211.5....
Reversing Db2 server upgrade involves creating a plan using the steps in this procedure to fall back to the Db2 release from which you upgraded your server.
SQLSTATE=42731的时候使用该命令<###> ●db2ls(需要进入到产品目录下的install下执行) db2inst1@ZBDB1:[/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/install]$./db2ls 可以查看安装的目录和版本升级的日期 Install Path Level Fix Pack Special Install Number Install Date Installer UID --- /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 9.5...
Upgrade Process To upgrade the database to Db2 Version 10.5, you need to perform the following steps in the given order: 1. Plan the upgrade and check the requirements. 2. Install the Db2 10.5 database software. 3. Upgrade the Db2 instance. 4. Upgrade the Db2 database. 5. Perform ...
[root@dragon install]# /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/install/db2ls -q -b /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5 Install Path : /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5 Feature Response File ID Level Fix Pack Feature Description --- BASE_CLIENT 7 Base client support JAVA_SUPPORT 7 Java support SQL_PROCEDUR...
Property(C): UpgradeCode = {E7499B26-88AE-4518-93C6-BB6E0C73C2FB}Property(C): VersionNT = 601Property(C): ProductLanguage = 2052Property(C): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Property(C): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\hebj\AppData\...