DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-420, SQLSTATE=22018, SQLERRMC=DECFLOAT, DRIVER=3.66.46 DB2错误码大全: -420是使用DB2数据库的项目最常出现的错误: 它的错误原因是:字符串自变量值不符合函数的要求,通俗解释既是:你数据库中...
[Error Code: -420, SQL State: 22018]DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-420, SQLSTATE=22018, SQLERRMC=DECFLOAT, DRIVER=4.18.60 根据sqlcode查询错误原因为:-420 22018 字符串自变量值不符合函数的要求 查询语句大概如下: select*fromtabletestwherecreateDate<'2018-11-17'andcreateStatus !=0 这个问题只在测试环境...
[Error Code: -420, SQL State: 22018] DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-420, SQLSTATE=22018, SQLERRMC=DECFLOAT, DRIVER=4.18.60 1. 根据sqlcode查询错误原因为:-420 22018 字符串自变量值不符合函数的要求 查询语句大概如下: select * from tabletest where createDate < '2018-11-17' and createStatus != 0 ...
-113There is an in correct character in: stri ng, reas on code nnn.The number of insert columns must match the number of in sert values.? -119A column th 3、at was identified in a HAVING clause must be in cluded in the GROUP BY clause.? -120A WHERE clause or SET clause in cl...
操作数据库过程中,遇到许多问题,很多都与SQL CODE和SQL State相关,现在把一个完整的SQLCODE和SQLState错误信息和相关解释作以下说明,一来可以自己参考,对DB2错误自行找出原因 sqlcode sqlstate 说明 000 00000 SQL语句成功完成 01xxx SQL语句成功完成,但是有警告 +012 01545 未限定的列名被解释为一个有相互关系的引...
the error was detected: "". Communication function detecting the error: "sqlccSSLSocketSetup". Protocol specific error code(s): "420", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001 在db2diag.log抛出这样的错误 MESSAGE : DIA3604E The SSL function "gsk_secure_soc_init" failed with the ...
the error was detected: "". Communication function detecting the error: "sqlccSSLSocketSetup". Protocol specific error code(s): "420", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001 在db2diag.log抛出这样的错误 MESSAGE : DIA3604E The SSL function "gsk_secure_soc_init" failed with the ...
48、qlcode -452sqlstate 428a1word 资料explanation: unable to access a file that is referred to by a file reference variable. sql0453 sqlcode -453sqlstate 42880explanation: return type for function &1 in &2 not compatible with cast to type. sql0454 sqlcode -454sqlstate 42723explanation: func...
注:以下code表来自网络,加黑特殊说明出来的,为我项目开发中遇到的最多的问题。 1,自己遇到过的其他错误码: 消息不足 ERRORCODE=-4499,SQLSTATE=08001 这里是表明某张表的数据满了,需要清理 2,错误码及黑色标注为经常遇到的问题 sqlcode sqlstate 说明 ...
command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not avalid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:SQL1515N The user mapping cannot be created for server "DATASTORE2" becauseof a conflict with an existing user mapping or federated server option. Reasoncode "2...