SELECT columnx,columny,… FROM another_table 说明:也能经过一个子查询(subquery)把别的表格的资料填入。 2.查询资料: 基本查询 SELECT column1,columns2,… FROM table_name 说明:把table_name 的特定栏位资料全部列出来 SELECTFROM table_nameWHERE column1 = *** [AND column2 > yyy] [OR column3 <...
archive table A table that stores rows that are deleted from another table. archive-enabled table A table that has an associated archive table. When rows are deleted from an archive-enabled table,Db2can automatically insert those rows into an archive table. ...
(empid integer, empname varchar(100)); insert into employee(empid, empname) values(1, 'Adam'); insert into employee(empid, empname) values(2, 'Atul'); select empid, empname from employee; -- try to create another table with the same name create table employee(empid integer, empname ...
1.建表格: CREATE TABLE table_name( column1 DATATYPE [NOT NULL] [NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY], column2 DATATYPE [NOT NULL], …) 说明: DATATYPE是资料的格式,详见表。 NUT NULL可不能允许资料有空的(尚未有资料填入)。 PRIMARY KEY是本表的主键。 2.更改表格 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column...
这周在搞数据同步的功能 说是什么数据c库到a库 a库到b库 现在要改成c库直接到b库 由于各种各样的...
db2删除数据后释放表空间 db2删除表后如何释放空间,1.表的创建、删除、修改、查看和库内备份(1)删除表DROPTABLETableName;(2)创建表CREATETABLETableName(字段名数据类型,PRIMARYKEY(字段名))INSpace1INDEXINSpace2;--创建表(表空间Space1存放数据,Space2存放索引)(3
In the next part of the script, we created another table which contains the link server names and the final connection string for each linked server:-- Create Linked Server names in a table-- tables contains the name of the linked server...
By default, if the SQL commands of the DB2 DDL are prefixed by a qualifier or an authorization ID, the prefix is used by Tuxedo ART Workbench as the name of the schema, for example, CREATE TABLE <qualifier or authorization ID>.table name....
说明,上例中的dropin意为 允许用户删除模式中的对象,同CreateIn,AlterIn。 [示例]-[拥有 SYSADMIN 的用户可以使用下面的命令显示地对用户 test1 撤销授权]: db2 revoke select on table from user test1 db2 revoke insert on table from group db2grp1 ...
实验目的及要求During this lab, you will create your database and your table spaces. Also in this lab, you will select information on table spaces from the system catalog (SYSCAT) views.At the end of the lab, students should be able to: ? Create a database ? Create a table space ?