Read on...Step 1: Set theDB2environment.$ . ~DB2inst1/sqllib/DB2profileStep 2: Find the service name forDB2instance. It basically involves running"DB2get dbm cfg" command and finding a line containing SVCENAME.$svc=`DB2get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME | cut-d= -f2 | awk '{print $1}'...
Read on...Step 1: Set theDB2environment.$ . ~DB2inst1/sqllib/DB2profileStep 2: Find the service name forDB2instance. It basically involves running"DB2get dbm cfg" command and finding a line containing SVCENAME.$svc=`DB2get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME | cut-d= -f2 | awk '{print $1}'...
So how do we find out the DB2 port in a reliable way? Read on...Step 1: Set the DB2 environment.$ . ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile Step 2: Find the service name for DB2 instance. It basically involves running "db2 get dbm cfg" command and finding a line containing SVCENAME. $ svc...
database to the formats corresponding to the release run by the instance.This command is deprecated and will be discontinued in a future release. You should use the UPGRADE DATABASE command instead. ●db2 SET SERVEROUTPUT 控制输出到标准输出的结果,详情见信息中心。●db2 SET UTIL_IMPACT_PRIORITY ;...
database memory sets to influence the database system behavior for problem determination purposes. ●db2prereqcheck 安装前检查 ●db2relocatedb This command renames a database, or relocates a database or part of a database (for example, the container and the log directory) as specified in the...
db2 catalog tcpip node <node_name> remote <hostname|ip_address> server <svcname|port_number> ostype <OS2|AIX |WIN95|NT|HPUX|SUN|MVS|OS400|VM|VSE|SCO|SGI|LINUX|DYNIX> --编目一个TCP/IP节点 db2 uncatalog node <node_name> --取消节点编目 ...
db2-command-- 关于指定命令的帮助 db2 ? help--有关阅读帮助屏幕的指示信息 db2 ? OPTIONS-- 关于所有命令选项的帮助 23.如何关闭表的日志 ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ACTIVE NOT LOGGED INIALLY 24.测试SQL的执行性能 db2batch -d DB_NAME -f select.sql -r benchmark.txt -o p3--select.sql是select语句...
1、db2命令实例大全管理命令: create database mbmst using codeset GBK territory CN1启动数据库 db2start2停止数据库 db2stop3连接数据库 db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd4读数据库管理程序配置 db2 get dbm cfg5写数据库管理程序配置 db2 update dbm cfg using 参数名 参数值6读数据库的配置 db2 ...
DB2 10.1 APAR Fix list contains list of APARs shipped for each fix pack in DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows products. The Severity column value of 1 is high and 4 is low. Severity column represents the severity of the PMR at the time the APAR
IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ已加強,可讓您選擇是否將 commandTimeout 及 queryTimeoutInterruptProcessingMode 內容值套用至Statement方法,而這些方法透過設定新的Connection或DataSource內容 enableTimeoutForCursors,以用於實作DatabaseMetaData及ResultSet方法。