CREATE DATABASE example AUTOMATIC STORAGE YES --自动存储 ON 'D:\' DBPATH ON'D:\' --指定数据库控制文件的存储路径,和数据库表数据的存储路径 ALIAS example --数据库别名 USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY CN --指定编码集,和地区 COLLATE USING SYSTEM --指定数据库处理字符串的排序顺序 PAGESIZE 4096 -...
db2 catalog dcs dbdbnameaslocation_name For example db2 catalog dcs db mydb as db1g Three table spaces—SYSCATSPACE (holding the Catalog tables), TEMPSPACE1 (system temporary space), and USERSPACE1 (the default user table space)—are automatically created when you create a database. SYSCATSPAC...
6、create database <数据库名> using codeset utf-8 territory CN --创建数据库使用utf-8编码 7、db2 catalog 命令 db2 catalog tcpip node <接点名称> remote <远程数据库地址> server <端口号> --把远程数据库映射到本地接点一般为50000 db2 catalog db <远程数据库名称> as <接点名称> at node PU...
46. 编目数据库 db2 catalog database <db_name> as <db_alias> at node <node_name> 47. 取消数据库编目 db2 uncatalog database <db_name> 48. 测试远程数据库的连接 db2 connect 19、 to <db_alias> user <user_id> using <password> 49. 任何用户均可通过设置Current Schema专用寄存器为特定的...
command, where command can bethe first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command? CATALOG for help on all of the CATALOG commands.To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outsideinteractive mode...
prompt. For example: DB2 => connect to sample DB2 => bind sample.bnd For general help, type:. For command help, type: command, where command can be the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example: CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command ...
DBADM authority on the catalog database SQLADM authority SYSCTRL authority SYSADM authority System DBADM authority When a view is identified:The privilege set must include at least one of the following: DATAACCESS authority INSERT privilege on the view ...
Database 1 entry: Database alias = TESTDB Database name = TESTDB Local database directory = /home/db2inst1-m Database release level = d.00 Comment = Directory entry type = Indirect Catalog database partition number = 0 Alternate server hostname = ...
command, where command can bethe first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command? CATALOG for help on all of the CATALOG commands.To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outsideinteractive mode...
通过上面的AppHandl找到L-AnchID 2)从内存中抓取相关动态sql语句信息 db2pd -db yheas -dynamic lock_statement.log 在该日志中通过上面的L-AnchID对应能找出相关sql配置数据库远程连接 db2 catalog tcpip node node6125 remote 5 server 50000 //编目节点 db2 catalog database easdb as easdb at node node...