Error 1: DB2 return code is -4499, DB2 Content Manager return code is 3 CheckDBConnUtil00002 exception ( [jcc][t4][2043][11550][3.50.152] Exception Error opening socket to server install01/ on port 50,000 with message: A r...
DB2错误代码大全(含实际开发中遇到的最多的问题) 注:以下code表来自网络,加黑特殊说明出来的,为我项目开发中遇到的最多的问题。 1,自己遇到过的其他错误码: 消息不足 ERRORCODE=-4499,SQLSTATE=08001 这里是表明某张表的数据满了,需要清理 2,错误码及黑色标注为经常遇到的问题 sqlcode sqlstate 说明 000 00000...
Error 1: DB2 return code is -4499, DB2 Content Manager return code is 3 CheckDBConnUtil00002 exception ( [jcc][t4][2043][11550][3.50.152] Exception Error opening socket to server install01/ on port 50,000 with message: A r...
>:<port>/<databasename>, Reason: [jcc][t4][2057][11264][3.59.81] The application server rejected establishment of the connection. An attempt was made to access a database, <database name>, which was either not found or does not support transactions. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08004....
[jcc][t4][2043][11550][3.57.82] 异常打开端口 50,000 上服务器 localhost/ 的套接字时出错,消息为:Connection refused: connect。 ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001:把db2的所有服务都启动就可以(如下图):
消息不足 ERRORCODE=-4499,SQLSTATE=08001 这里是表明某张表的数据满了,需要清理 错误码及黑色标注为经常遇到的问题 000 00000 SQL语句成功完成 01xxx SQL语句成功完成,但是有警告 +012 01545 未限定的列名被解释为一个有相互关系的引用 +098 01568 动态SQL语句用分号结束 ...
The error we are getting is "An attempt was made to access a database, T3COMN, which was either not found or does not support transactions. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08004"...There is no record of any connection attempt at the Zos level. I have opened a support case and was told ...
1,自己遇到过的其他错误码:消息不足 ERRORCODE=-4499,SQLSTATE=08001 这里是表明某张表的数据满了,...
百度or谷歌错误代码:ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08004 过程: 百度的结果...无力吐槽,每一个有用的。 没办法,只能靠谷歌了,google的结果: 真TM的感动,第一个就是答案,附上link: 里面告诉我起因是: ...