BP=bench press:卧推Shoulder Press:肩推Push press:借力推Push jerk:借力挺或称下蹲挺,常见还有spilt jerk,分腿挺 蹲类动作: AS=air squat:徒手深蹲FS=front squat:前蹲OHS=overhead squat:过头深蹲BS=back squat:背蹲Walklunge:箭步蹲OHL=overhead walklunge:过头箭步蹲Pistol:单腿深蹲拉类动作: DL=...
DEEP COVERis a Black Operations themed single-player modification for Half-Life, where you take the role of a Black Operations Officer who is tasked with infiltrating a squatted facility of deserted H.E.C.U. soldiers. While making use of new features like an inventory system with keycards ...
- Create any workout routine from a thousand available exercises such as the squat, bench press, and deadlift - Track workouts for the day by choosing a routine and putting in weight, repetition, and set information Story: - Create, update, or delete facebook-like status updates about your...
squ--square, squad, squirrel, squat, squeak str--string, strip, straw, stream, street thr--throw, three, throne, thrift, thrill 在结尾的字母组合 ck(只发一个/k/音) --duck, pack, quick, luck, rock ld--cold, gold, held, mild, bald lk--milk, silk, elk, ...
as those still can reach him through the various gaps in the walls. He also should be mindful of the N.U.K.U.M. that is squatting the office; if Duke happened to go in weaponless, then a rather unique pipebomb- and tripmine-only battle shall unfold, as those are supplied aplenty....
4. Escamilla, RF, Fleisig, GS, Zheng, N, Lander, JE, Barrentine, SW, Andrews, JR, et al. Effects of technique variations on knee biomechanics during the squat and leg press. Journal of the American College of Sports Medici...
a stamina system for limiting the force of successive punches after a specified number of punches have been thrown (to make protracted fights more balanced and strategic) an improved throwing / pushing mechanic a ducking move to allow players to duck under some punches and squat to start uppercut...
squattingpenguins - Sep 11 2013 - 11 comments Thanks for comment , of course demo will be available first for press , bloggers , youtubers , next for everyone to play :) Reply Good karma+3 votes « Previous Next » 1 2 3 Post a comment Sign in or join with: Only regi...
Cables Squat Position Rows!! 2015-04-30 00:16 跟我一起流一點汗吧!!(BB) Squats!! 2015-04-29 00:19 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! (DB) Sumo Squats!! 2015-04-28 00:19 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! Plate Pullover Ab Reach With Leg Raises! 2015-04-18 00:20 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! BOSU ...
Define Strength was the first to explore the ergonomic advantages of independent converging and diverging arcs of motion. Key Features: Define Strength Benches and Racks provide you with an extensive lineup of Strength-training options From adjus...