Hyper - 基于 web 技术打造的终端。 Konsole - KDE 桌面环境的最佳终端。 RXVT-Unicode - rxvt-unicode 是著名的终端模拟器的一个分支。 RXVT - 一款 X11 终端模拟器,流行的‘xterm’替代品。 Sakura - 简单但是强大,基于 libvte 的终端模拟器,支持 utf-8 并且通过 gtk+ 和 pango 库提供输入法。 Terminator...
[2066Star][1y] bluscreenofjeff/red-team-infrastructure-wiki Wiki to collect Red Team infrastructure hardening resources [1930Star][3m] toolswatch/blackhat-arsenal-tools Official Black Hat Arsenal Security Tools Repository [1845Star][2m] djadmin/awesome-bug-bounty A comprehensive curat...
Indexes of hypercoagulability measured in peripheral blood reflect levels in intracardiac blood in patients with atrial fibrillation sec- ondary to mitral stenosis. Am J Cardiol 1999; 83:1206 -1209Foo Leong Li-Saw-Hee,MRCP Andrew D. Blann PhD Ira Goldsmith,FRCS and Gregory Y. H. Lip MD....
Increased red blood cell adhesiveness/aggregation owing to fibrinogen elevation in hypercholesterolaemic patients and the rationale of fibrinogen-lowering ... Increased red blood cell adhesiveness/aggregation owing to fibrinogen elevation in hypercholesterolaemic patients and the rationale of fibrinogen-...
A healing technique in which shares her chakra-rich blood, either similar to a traditional chakra transfer where a link is formed between her and the beneficiary or through consumption. - The transfer can also be done in the form of a curse to create a more dramatic effect but will greatly...
A quantitative analysis of blood flow dynamics in skeletal muscle requires a detailed picture of the microvascular network. This report presents an analysis of the arteriolar network structure in the spinotrapezius muscle of the rat. The... ET Engelson,TC Skalak,GW Schmid-Schönbein - 《Microvasc...
Investigating the prevalence of transfusion transmission of Plasmodium within a hyperendemic blood donation systemInvestigating the prevalence of transfusion transmission of Plasmodium within a hyperendemic blood donation systemdoi:10.1111/j.1537-2995.2012.03943.xBack...
Raggi, "Juice powder concentrate and systemic blood pressure, progression of coronary artery calcium and antioxidant status in hyper- tensive subjects: a pilot study," Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 4, pp. 455-462, 2007....
Effects of LDL apheresis on blood rheology in two patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia.Changes in haemorheological and lipid variables were investigated in 2 patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) treated with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) apheresis using...
bloodflowcerebralglucosemetabolismcerebraloxygenmetabolismA correction to the article "Global Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism During Acute Hyperketonemia in the Awake and Anesthetized Rat," by Rasmus Linde et al. in the July 6, 2005 issue is presented....