Hi, Dave. The person who wrote the code did a great work but If i'm not mistaken I suggest that he adds a "USE [MyDB]" in his SQL code otherwise people could try ( like you probably did ) to run that query and would end up creating the db_executor role on the master DB or...
bulkexecutor com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.bulkexecutor.internal com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.customization com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.models com.microsoft.azure.management.azurestackhci.v2020_10_01 com.microsoft.azure.management.eventhub com.m...
bulkexecutor.internal com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.customization com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid com.microsoft.azure.eventgrid.models com.microsoft.azure.management.azurestackhci.v2020_10_01 com.microsoft.azure.management.eventhub com.microsoft.azure.management.batch com.microsoft.azure.mana...
Citus是Postgres的开源扩展,将Postgres转换成一个分布式数据库,在集群的多个节点上分发数据和查询,具有像分片、分布式SQL引擎、复制表和分布式表等特性。 因为Citus是Postgres的扩展(而不是一个独立的代码分支),所以当你使用Citus时,你也在使用Postgres,可以利用最新的Postgres特性、工具和生态系统。 Citus是一款基于Postgre...
一是在SQL层中,完成Parse -> Optimize -> Execute的过程 二是在SQL Engine中,完成分布式 + 存储的过程 由于调用链比较长,并且每一步都会处理多种类型,从而代码量非常庞大,如果一味全部复制粘贴的话会导致逻辑非常不连贯,观感非常不好,因此在这一章当中,对于近似类型的处理,笔者只会保留其中的几个,如果想了解全...
We decided on Apache Arrow DataFusion, an existing query parser, planner, and executor. It was a project still in its early stages in mid-2020 when we made this choice, but over the course of the last three years, there have been significant contributions from an active and growing ...
The code below throws an error. Note, it will not behave this way if there is only one other valid entity pending an update (below theuserandrolevariables are pending an update). And it will not behave this way if there is only one UserRole with a SQL issue (i.e. if you switch ...
为mongos添加了ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting参数,以控制mongos将连接添加到mongod实例的速率。默认是2,仅对mongos有效 添加了orphanCleanupDelaySecs,它确定从源分片中删除迁移块之前的最小延迟。 现在可以对config数据库中的config.system.sessions集合进行分片。 Indexes ...
in Cosmos DB. On average,BulkExecutorlibrary delivers>10ximprovement for write throughput. This library also provides out-of-the-box efficient handling of rate-limiting, timeouts and transient exceptions. It allows easier scale-out by adding additionalBulkExecutorclient instances on individual VMs to ...
Because Azure Cosmos DB doesn’t have the ability to rename an existing container, the official recommendation is to move the data into the new collection, perhaps with a bulk executor library, such as the one atbit.ly/2RbpTvp. The same holds true if you change the mapping for an entity...