Ensure disabled people have opt-in access to good quality employment support, without the threat of sanctions. Walk the walk of its “commitment to put the views and voices of Disabled people at the heart of any policy changes that directly affect them”. We welcome The proposed improvement an...
Ser. leaves (WHS) in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. As an extension of our previous study, we investigated the anti-adipogenic and anti-obesity effects of WHS and its underlying molecular mechanisms in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and genetically obese db/db mice. WHS attenuated the gene ...
Proteome patterns in peach fruit ( Prunus persica L.) stored at different low temperatures were examined in order to gain a better understanding why peach fruit is less prone to chilling injury when stored at 0°C than at 5°C. Some differently expressed proteins in peach fruit stored at 0...
Crucial roles of binding sites for NF-kappaB and C/EBPs in IkappaB-zeta-mediated transcriptional activation. Biochem J. 2007; 405(3):605-15.Matsuo S,Yamazaki S,Takeshige K, et a1.Crucial roles of binding sites for NF-kappaB and C/EBPs in IkappaB-zeta-mediated transcriptional...
2001. Control of the arabinose regulon in Bacillus subtilis by AraR in vivo: crucial roles of operators, cooperativity, and DNA looping. J. Bacteriol. 183 : 4190-4201.Mota LJ, Sarmento LM, Sa-Nogueira I. 2001. Control of the arabinose regulon in Bacillus subtilis by AraR in vivo: ...
Targeted disruption of mouse long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase gene reveals crucial roles for fatty acid oxidation. Kurtz D M,Rinaldo P,Rhead W J,Tian L,Millington D S,Vockley J,Hamm D A,Brix A E,Lindsey J R,Pinkert C A,O’Brien W E,Wood P A. Proceedings of the National Academy ...
Crucial roles of Sp1 and epigenetic modifications in the regulation of the CLDN4 promoter in ovarian cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 2006; 281 :21433–44.Honda H, Pazin MJ, Ji H et al. Crucial roles of Sp1 and epigenetic modifications in the regulation of the CLDN4 promoter in ovarian ...
These findings demonstrate that IL-10 ablation leads to an endogenous IFN-γ-mediated inflammatory response via LPS from commensal bacteria in the human colonic mucosa. We also found that both IL-10 and TGF-β play crucial roles in maintaining human colonic mucosa homeostasis.Jarry...
dockeriniELISAprotein complexsubstrate specificityInteractions between cohesin and dockerin modules play a crucial role in the assembly of multienzyme cellulosome complexes. Although intraspecies cohesin and dockerin modules bind in general with high affinity but indiscriminately, cross-species binding is ...
This article aims to show that community nurses are well placed to recognize the early symptoms of dementia. It identifies the three main ways in which community nurses can assess changes in cognition, and how the community nurse can work with the GP and other family members to provide a ...