Dazed and confused I took a break from the WEA meetings in San Diego, and decided to walk outside and look for some lunch. Although California is suffering from a heat wave, it’s only 80 degrees (27 C.) in San Diego (and not humid.) I walked a few blocks and picked a Cheesecake...
将“Dazed and Confused"翻译成波兰文 Dazed and Confused是将“Dazed and Confused"翻译成 波兰文。 译文示例:Muchos de ellos surgieron en escena, especialmente en las improvisaciones de 'Dazed and Confused '. ↔ Wiele z nich rodziło się na scenie, zwłaszcza podczas długich impro...
WikiMatrix "Dazedand Confused " features different lyrics but is clearly an uncredited cover of the same- titled song by Jake Holmes. " Dazed and Confused " trajtas diferencajn tekstojn sed estas klare malkredita kovro de la sama- titolita kanto de Jake Holmes. ...
将“Dazed and Confused"翻译成西班牙文 Dazed and Confused是将“Dazed and Confused"翻译成 西班牙文。 译文示例:Chad, Rick et Flea regarde une vidéo de Led Zeppelin Musique: " Dazed and confused " ↔ Esta es la pequeña habitación secreta aquí arriba Dazed and Confused ...
Um,Dazedand Confused, but... Munjenii zbunjeni, ali... OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Men clambered, somewhatdazed, from the trenches. Ljudi su se pentrali, pomaloomamljeno, iz rovova. Literature Oh, I must be in adaze. Vjerojatno sam bila u svomfilmu. ...
El 1993, Adams va aconseguir el seu primer paper important com Simone en Dazed and confused, de Richard Linklater. WikiMatrix It was just lying there, two or three inches from his foot, dazed, its legs jerking. Era allà mateix, a cinc o deu centímetres del seu peu, atordida, ...
WikiMatrix Dazed and Confused geçebileceğimiz tek filmdi Dazed anCous wathonthgthat was passable opensubtitles2 " Dazed and Confused ", Jake Holmes'un aynı isimli şarkısının farklı sözlerle yeniden söylenmiş ve şarkının sahibinden asla bahsedilmeyen...
Youth and pop culture provocateurs since 1991. Fearless fashion, music, art, film, politics and ideas from today's bleeding edge. Declare Independence.
Vivienne Westwood takes over Dazed & Confused,July 2008Photography Oliviero Toscani, stylingNicola Formichetti “Get a Life!” exclaimed Westwood from the pages of Dazed’sJuly 2008 issue, as the maverick took the magazine’s reins for a special Active Resistance edition. Fronted by a child eco...