Dazed & Confused may have been started by students, but 25 years later, it has become a training ground for multiple generations of fashion creatives. 16 September 2017 Workplace & Talent Power Moves | Dazed's New Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director, Valextra CEO BoF compiles the most imp...
困惑的.从混乱到清晰(Confused.com From confusion to clarity) 扫描的& 困惑的_一个真实的IT故事_(Scanned & Confused _a real IT story_) 茫然的(Dazed) 선미(SUNMI) 데이즈드(DAZED) X 버버리(BURBERRY) photoshoot 빅뱅(BIGBANG)s Taeyang and 민효린(Min Hyo-rin) 데이...
第一期《Dazed & Confused》以诱人的口号开头:“这不是一本杂志。这并不是将舆论强加到时尚年轻人潜意识中的阴谋。一种综合休闲文化正在发展——塑料人被迫吃罐头娱乐和名牌食品。你准备好感到茫然和困惑(Dazed & Confused)了吗?” 《Dazed & Confused》第一期 在刚刚创刊那几年,《Dazed & Confused》的编辑部里...
Youth and pop culture provocateurs since 1991. Fearless fashion, music, art, film, politics and ideas from today's bleeding edge. Declare Independence.
作者:Dazed and Confused Magazine/David James 出版社:Booth-Clibborn 出版年:2000-03-15 页数:304 定价:$ 59.95 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781861541383 豆瓣评分 8.7 19人评价 5星 42.1% 4星 47.4% 3星 10.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记
Official profile of KR based magazine Dazed & Confused Korea from Waddell Limited including covers, editorials, company information, history and more.
“当我们开始创作《Dazed and Confused》时,一切都开始变得有意义了。” 2012年,“东伦敦已死了吗?” 本期杂志在2012年伦敦奥运会前几个月发布,大胆质疑首都伦敦创造力的未来。随着奥林匹克公园拔地而起,“复兴”和“士绅化”这两个词在伦敦的创意中心地带变得越来越熟悉,居民质疑他们的社会和文化飞地还能存在多...
Address DAZED & CONFUSED 112 - 116 Old Street EC1V 9BG - London Tel +44 0207 336 0766 Fax +44 0207 336 0966 Official Social Media FACEBOOK/DazedandConfusedMagazine TWITTER/DazedMagazine INSTAGRAMLatest Dazed Covers Dazed March 2024 Models Vittoria Ceretti Photographer Thibaut Grevet ...
FADE INTO YOU – a fashion film and editorial by BelgiumPierre Debusscherewith styling from Dazed Senior Fashion Editor Robbie Spencer for Dazed & Confused magazine. The film is a total tribute to our core readers — Smart Sensuality women who are highly intelligent and critical thinkers with a...
As a fashion photographer, he has consistently challenged conventional notions of beauty and is renowned for his groundbreaking creative collaborations with designers including Alexander McQueen, Comme des Gar莽ons, and John Galliano. Advertising campaigns for clients such as Christian Dior, Yohji Yamamoto...