<usage name="Village"/><usage name="Hunting"/></type> 3楼2022-07-18 14:15 回复 AIKinght 初遇僵尸 5 event文件,修改动物,车辆上限,移除随机毒区,坠机点等<event name="AnimalCow"> ### 动物名字<nominal>70</nominal>###重启服务器会刷出来的动物数量<min>20</min>###最小数量<max>30</...
importxml.etree.ElementTree as ET#这个软件包貌似原本就自带tree=ET.parse("types.xml")#读取文件#print(tree)root=tree.getroot()#获取根节点print(root.tag)#打印根节点的值types= root.findall("type")#获取所有type节点#打印所有的type节点的name属性值fortypeintypes:print(type.attrib['name']) 3.更...
<usage name="Hunting"/> </type> 僵尸掉落配置 配置文件在C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplu cfgspawnabletypes 决定掉落哪种类东西 例:<!--ARMY-->军营僵尸 <type name="ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Autumn"> <cargo preset="foodArmy" />有几率掉几营...
<usage name="Village"/><usage name="Hunting"/></type> 3楼2022-07-18 14:15 回复 AIKinght 初遇僵尸 5 event文件,修改动物,车辆上限,移除随机毒区,坠机点等<event name="AnimalCow"> ### 动物名字<nominal>70</nominal>###重启服务器会刷出来的动物数量<min>20</min>###最小数量<max>30</...
New Loot Types (Chernarus & Livonia): MS3, Car Wrecks New Loot Types (DeerIsle): Crate, Ambulance, Foodtruck, Skeleton 10.4.0 - Filter Updates2020-10-21 Loot Dropdown has now been renamed to Filter Group Visibility can now be controlled in the Filter Dropdown ...
The category tag is used to categorize items and is used in the mapgrouppos.xml file to spawn certain types of items in buildings. In this case food. The usage tag is used to tell in which type of area this item can spawn. In this case Military, Hunting, Town and Village. The valu...
The category tag is used to categorize items and is used in the mapgrouppos.xml file to spawn certain types of items in buildings. In this case food. The usage tag is used to tell in which type of area this item can spawn. In this case Military, Hunting, Town and Village. The valu...
🧟♀️Fear The Dead - A PC Server 🚨 🔹 Server Name: Fear The Dead - PVE - PVP Weekend 🌍 Explore New map Antoria! ✅Buy and sell gear, weapons, and resources with other survivors at our custom trader. ⚔️ PVE with Weekend PVP. 👑 Active Owners & Admins ❌ Ro...
Meaning, in-game days and equipment usage, distance traveled etc. would be recorded on the hive or just a particular server. They'd be able to do everything just a bit faster, even some combat-related elements, like reloading mags and weapons, ADS time. Not accuracy really. Maybe some ...
Added: Additional script compiler warnings (error in Diag) signalling hazardous ref usage Added: Possibility to change variables and command properties from CommandHandler inside DayZPlayer class Added: ErrorExString, to store the output into a string instead of logs Added: Documentation for static sc...