由俄罗斯团队 Fntastic 开发的僵尸撤离射击游戏《浩劫前夕》(The Day Before)在推出 4 天即宣布倒闭,成为 TGA 游戏大奖后震撼玩家社群的最新热门话题,随着海外玩家社群深度追踪 Fntastic 动态,同样主打开放世界生存末日题材的《DayZ》与《Rust》则是相继发文庆贺自己的游戏周年。《浩劫前夕》开发商 Fntastic 于 12 ...
而且它不是自己一个人打折:此次优惠的捆绑包还包括《DayZ》原本 Mod 的制作者 Dean Hall 创立的工作室 RocketWerkz 推出的生存游戏《翼星求生》。 两款游戏的捆绑包名为“The Day After(浩劫之后)生存游戏捆绑包”,再一次嘲讽了《浩劫前夕(The Day Before)》。捆绑包在国区售价 219.09 元,折扣为 -33%,可以...
在《浩劫前夕》开发商倒闭之后,老牌生存游戏《DayZ》开发商Bohemia Interactive发文暗讽了一波这家开发商,并顺势推出了“The Day After”(浩劫之后)生存游戏捆绑包,《浩劫前夕》英文名为The Day Before。 《DayZ》官方在公告中感谢了玩家社区十年来的支持,还配上了捂嘴笑的表情。他们称这款游戏开创了一个全新的世界...
Bohemia称:“你也许尝试过其他游戏,但没有尝试过最好的。”并宣布《DayZ》将推出折扣优惠。这次的优惠还包含《翼星求生》这一生存游戏的捆绑包。 两款游戏捆绑包被命名为“The Day After(浩劫之后)生存游戏捆绑包”,再次嘲讽了《浩劫前夕(The Day Before)》。捆绑包售价国区为219.09元,折扣率为-33%,可以省下1...
两款游戏的捆绑包名为“The Day After(浩劫之后)生存游戏捆绑包”,再一次嘲讽了《浩劫前夕(The Day Before)》。捆绑包在国区售价 219.09 元,折扣为 -33%,可以省 107.91 元。 Steam 捆绑包页面:点击这里 Steam 捆绑包销售页面写道:“这项限时优惠代表了《DayZ》和《翼星求生》发行商之间的独特合作关系。它为...
DayZ and Icarus team up with a cheeky 'The Day After' survival Steam sale bundle ByChristopher Livingstonpublished13 December 2023 The Day Before folded just days after its launch, but you can grab two much better survival games that keep on surviving for 33% off. ...
This is your Story DayZ is a hardcore survival game where players must strive to endure a post-apocalyptic world populated by frenzied infected and other survivors. DayZ includes – the original map of Chernarus – and Livonia Terrain. Chernarus – The iconic DayZ terrain, set in the post-sovi...
RELATED:The Day Before Might Be An Odd Marriage Between TLOU, Dayz, and The Division This weapon can be found insidehouses, farms, and garagesscattered across the map. The Magnum shines in close to mid-ranged situations, but be prepared to attract a lot of attention with the sound the wea...
One of the update’s most exciting changes is the way the day and night skies look. Clouds are generally a lot more defined now, and the transition between day and night is smoother than ever before. We even developed a custom sky setup for Chernarus and Livonia so now they feel differen...
Luckily, the land appears to be more alive now than it ever was before the apocalypse. Discover the secret. Venture south and find the hidden entrance that leads to a mysterious underground complex. Make sure you're with a friend while you look for a way in. And don't forget to bring...