Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" . 游戏内时间serverTimeAcceleration=0; // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)// This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster ...
Wiki links now set the correct loot tiers in the filter as well 14.19.0 - Loot Tiers2022-05-09 Display Loot Tier for a specific spot in the information popup 14.18.0 - New Maps2022-04-26 Display Churches that dont spawn loot as Landmarks ...
I would like to see the islands difficulty ratings adjusted. I like the zoom out on it, but can you give us the ability to set our own screen resolution, and the joystick is practically near the middle of the screen, can we move it back to the corner? I play on an iPad Pro, so...
All others in this category will need to be single player client only running a mission with CE enabled.⚠ Some of these are also available through the CEApi in script in CentralEconomy.c.Loot Spawn EditSet of debugging functionality and tools for loot spawns. The group which is targeted ...
Refer to the following FAQs section if some of your questions were left unanswered: How Do You Upgrade a Fireplace in DayZ? You can upgrade a fireplace in DayZ with stones. They increase the server persistence of your cooking appliance since fireplaces have set de-spawn times, resulting in lo...
Having an idea of a playstyle you want to build towards will also help when choosing the right DayZ hack for you.A lot of the fun of DayZ is using these playstyles as an opportunity for role-play. Some players like to find a full set of cowboy gear and get their character looking ...
10. H1Z1 Death on all sides Few games like DayZ get the mod’s formula just right. We’re glad to say H1Z1 aims to please. Like DayZ, H1Z1 is an MMO survival game set in a massive open-world infested with rotting, stinking undead. Think of it as The Walking Dead game that everyone...
will spawn full if you set quantmin to 100 and quantmax to 100 How to prevent an item from spawning ? If you don't want a particular item to randomly spawn on the map : Open the file type.xml. Find the item you want to prevent from the spawning on the map. Change the nominal ...
This can be difficult to explain for those who have not tried to set up a dark area trigger, so I will try to be very simple: Since 1.19 you can add dark areas to the map (like the one in Livonia Underground Bunker or A2 in Namalsk). You must assign a trigger/area where, ...
will spawn full if you set quantmin to 100 and quantmax to 100 How to prevent an item from spawning ? If you don't want a particular item to randomly spawn on the map : Open the file type.xml. Find the item you want to prevent from the spawning on the map. Change the nominal ...